HB 1983

              Senate Committee Report

              Business & Commerce

              May 18, 2017 - 8:00 AM

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Acevedo, Julie    (Texas Fire Chief's Assn.), Austin, TX

                                          Alvarado, Aidan    (Self; Laredo Fire Fighters Association), Laredo, TX

                                          DeBower, Courtney    (Texas EMS, Trauma & Acute Care Foundation (TETAF)), Austin,


                                          Deshields, Glenn    (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters), Austin, TX

                                          Haney, Casey    (State Firefighters' and Fire Marshals' Association), Austin, TX

                                          Hansch, Greg    (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) TX), Austin, TX

                                          Holzheauser, Craig    (Texas EMS Alliance), Austin, TX

                                          Ingersoll, Deborah   Legislative Consultant  (Texas State Troopers Association), Austin,


                                          Johnson, Noel    (TMPA Texas Municipal Police Association), Austin, TX

                                          Jones, Chris   Training Coordinator, CLEAT Public Affairs  (Combined Law Enforcement

                                          Associations of Texas (CLEAT)), Austin, TX

                                          Kunish, Eric   Mr.  (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin Affiliate Advocacy

                                          Chair), Austin, TX

                                          Lara, Rene   Legislative Dir.  (Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX

                                          Riddle, John    (Self; Texas State Association of Firefighters), Willis, TX

                                          Solis, Rolando    (Self; Laredo Fire Fighters Assoc.), Laredo, TX

                                          Switzer, Gyl    (Mental health america of texas), Austin, TX

                                          Villarreal, Johnny   Legislative Director  (Houston Fire Fighters Local 341), Houston, TX


                                          Lee, Amy   Special Advisor  (Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers'

                                          Compensation), Austin, TX
