Public Health Committee
April 4, 2017 - 8:00 AM
For :
Hampton, R. Moss (American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, District XI
(Texas), Texas Medical Association, TX Assoc of ob/gyns, TX Pediatric Society, TX
Academy of Family Physicians, MOD, TX Care for Childre)
Against :
Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)
On :
Powell, Judy (Parent Guidance Center)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Anderson, Cheasty (Childrens Defense Fund)
Bearden, Chase (Self; Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)
Boudreault, Amanda (Self; League of Women Voters of Texas)
Bufkin, Alice (Texas Women's Healthcare Coalition)
Carlson, Johnna (Texas Children's Hospital)
Carter, Kimberly (Self; Texas Association of Obstetrics and Gynecologists)
Cavazos, Elaine (Self; Pregnancy and postpartum health alliance of texas)
Dunn, Carl (Self; Texas ACOG)
Dunnington, Helen (Self; TMA/ACOG)
Fowler, Rebecca (Mental Health America of Greater Houstom)
Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)
Freeman, Kathryn (Christian Life Commission)
Friese, Jan (Texas Counseling Association)
Ghahremani, Kay (Texas Association of Community Health Plans)
Gonzalez, Leah (Healthy Futures of Texas)
Gulley, Annalee (Mental Health America of Greater Houston)
Hansch, Greg (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Humphrey, Cynthia (Association of Substance Abuse Programs)
Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)
Kelly, Bill (Self; Mayor's Office, City of House)
Kenderdine, Marshall (Texas Academy of Family Physicians)
Kohler, Adriana (Texans Care for Children)
Kreuzer, Donna (Self; Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of texas and a mother of
one who did not survive ppd)
Kreuzer, Paul (Self)
Kroll, Carrie (Texas Hospital Association)
Kunish, Eric (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness Austin Advocacy Chair)
Liebeskind, Louise (Self)
Lucas, Shannon (March of Dimes)
Massingill, G. Sealy (Self; Texas Assoc of OBG)
Mellor-Crummey, Lauren (Self)
Milligan, Maureen (Teaching hospitals of texas)
Neavel, MD, Celia (Self; Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association, Texas
Association of Obstretics and Gynecology, Texas Academy of Family Practice, March of
Park, Nicola (Self)
Patel, Parin (Self; TMA, TAOG)
Pogue, Stacey (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Reddy, Rajitha (Self)
Sabo, Jason (Children at Risk)
Sabo, Jason (Young Invincibles)
Public Health Committee
Smith, Andrew (University Health System)
Smith, Reginald (Self; Communities for Recovery)
Steininger, Dani (Self; TMA, ACOG)
Switzer, Gyl (Mental health america of texas)
Teng, Rebecca (Self; ACOG-TX, TMA, TCMS)
Utzman, Aidan (United Ways of Texas)
Wilson, Stacy (Children's Hospital Assn of Texas)
Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Certified Nurse-Midwives)
Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)
Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Against :
Ayres, Monica (Self; Citizens commission on human rights)
Brummer, Anne (Self)
Convery, Marcela (Self)
Dolan, Moira (Self)
Duvall, Isabella (Self)
Fischer, Candace (Self)
Fischer, Jeff (Self)
Garcia, Mercedes (Self)
Hough, Govinda (Self)
Moore, Norman (Self)
Nierop, Samantha (Self)
Penketh, Melleny (Self)
Spiller, Pam (Self)
Toohet, Eric (Self)
Travers, Salila (Self)
Wadhwani, Savita (Self)
Whittier, Eric (Self)
On :
French, Lesley (Health and Human Services Commission)
Griffin, Tamela (Health and Human Services Commission)