HB 2209


              Public Education Committee

              March 27, 2017 - 2:00 PM  or upon final adjourn./recess

              (SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING - Public Education-S/C on Educator Quality)

                       For :

                                 Broughal, Christine (Self; Texans for Secial Education Reform)

                                 Litzinger, Linda (Self; Texans for special education reform)

                                 Masey, Chris (Self; Coalition  of  Texans  with  disabilities)

                                 McKelvey, Jana (Self; Texans for Special Education Reform)

                                 Shepherd, Suzanne (Self; Down Syndrome Association Central Texas)

                                 Suter, Maggie (Self)

                                 Swanson, Steve (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Lilly, Janna (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education)

                       On :

                                 Eaton, Holly (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Basrai, Fatema (Self)

                                 Bosse, Portia (Texas State Teachers Association)

                                 Gandy, Rachel (Disability Rights Texas)

                                 Hardwick, Grace (Self; Easterseals Central Texas)

                                 Melina Raab, Ted (Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers))

                                 Moreno, Celina (Self; Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund)

                                 Piccola, Kyle (The Arc of Texas)

                                 Sanders, Jolene (Self; Easterseals)

                                 Wilson, Columba (Self)

                       On :

                                 Miller, Tim (TEA)
