State Affairs Committee
March 29, 2017 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Pojman, Joe (Texas Alliance for Life)
Wright, Kyleen (Self; Texans for Life)
Against :
Rocap, Blake (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)
On :
Chicoine, Julie (Texas Hospital Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Andrews, Jenny (Texas Alliance for Life)
Asmuseen, Cindy (Self)
Bradford, Trayce (Self)
Graham, Elizabeth (Texas Right to Life)
Hodges, Dana (Self)
Hudgens, Nicole (Self; Texas Values Action)
Kebodeaux, Emily (Self; Texas Right to Life)
McDaniels, Debra (Self)
Ottinger, Tim (Catholic Health Association of Texas)
Reyes, Gus (Self; Christian Life Commission of Texas Baptists)
Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values Action)
Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)
Wheatley, Elisabeth (Self; Texas Alliance for Life)
Against :
Benavidez, Valerie (Self)
Bessent, Nancy (Self)
Blakey, Carla (Self; Left Up To Us)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis county resistance)
Chambers, Courtney (Self)
Cheff, Irene (Self)
Clark, Erick (Self)
Fay-Stindt, Zoe (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Fleming, Julie (Self; Left up to us)
Freeman, Chuck (Self; Tx Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)
Fulbright, Amelia (Self)
Hansen, Ellen (Self)
Jansen, Megan (Self)
Kerker, Juliana (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists-Texas District;
Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
Kreeger, Lauren (The League of Women Voters of Texas)
Larre, Ariel (Self)
Lester, Nancy (Self)
Marques, Rebecca (Self)
Miller, Katherine (Texas Freedom Network)
Miller, Katherine (Self)
Mineo, Sharon (Self)
Morales, Kathy (Self)
Oliver, Matt (Self)
Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)
Ross, Robyn (Self)
Sansom, Elizabeth (Self)
State Affairs Committee
Scott, Glenn (Self)
Stein, Lucy (Self; Progress Texas)
Szigetvari, Courtney (Self; Left Up To Us)
Trevino, Jacquelyn (Self)
Wall, Catharine (Self)
Zavaleta, Sara (Self)
On :
Romero, Michelle (Texas Medical Association)
Swanson, Jeffrey (Texas Department of State Health Services)
Waldron, Patrick (Texas department state health services)