HB 3913


              Urban Affairs Committee

              April 25, 2017 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Dodd, Fred (Self; CSA Construction Company)

                                 Fowler, Perry (Texas Water Infrastructure Network)

                                 Fretwell, Bennie (Self; PLW Webber)

                                 White, Michael (Texas Construction Association)

                                 White, Michael (Texas Construction Association)

                       Against :

                                 Kosub, Steve (San Antonio Water System)

                       On :

                                 Dahill, John (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Brittin, Carolyn (AGC of Texas, Highway, Heavy, Utilities and Industrial Branch)

                                 Fisher, Jon (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)

                                 Jewell, Michael (McKinstry Essention, LLC)

                                 McKnight, Peyton (American Council of Engineering Companies of Texas)

                                 Snowden, Tara (Zachry Construction Corporation)

                       Against :

                                 Bresnen, Steve (North harris county regional water authority)

                                 Evans, Mark (North Harris County Regional Water Authority)

                                 Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County)

                                 RUSSELL, CLAUDIA (EL PASO COUNTY)

                                 Warndof, Donna (Harris County Commissioners Court)
