SB 463

              Senate Committee Report


              April 11, 2017 - 9:00 AM


                                          Breaux, Darlene   Director of Special Populations Harris County Dept. Ed  (also providing

                                          written testimony)  (Texas Education Policy Institute (TEPI)), Houston, TX

                                          Cherry, Patrick   Coordinating Principal  (Alief ISD-Hastings HS), Richmond, TX

                                          Cook, Kim    (Self; TAMSA and parent), Austin, TX

                                          Exter, Monty   Lobbyist  (The Association of Texas Professional Educators), Austin, TX

                                          Hinojosa, David    (also providing written testimony)  (Texas Latino Education Coalition),

                                          SA, TX

                                          Moreno, Celina   Attorney  (also providing written testimony)  (MALDEF), San Antonio,


                                          Oman, Nicole    (Self) , Taylor, TX

                                          Puente, Jaime   Doctoral student  (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Legislative Counsel  (TX-American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                          Trevino, Theresa   President, Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student Assessment 

                                          (also providing written testimony)  (TAMSA), Austin, TX

                                          Walker, Tyra   Director of Counseling  (Alief ISD), Tomball, TX

                                          West, Dr. Dana B.   Superintendent Amarillo ISD  (Amarillo ISD), Amarillo, TX

                                          Worthington, Greg   Ph.D. Student, UT Austin-Ed Policy & Planning; Research Assistant-

                                          Texas Center for Education Policy  (Self) , Austin, TX


                                          Scheberle, Drew   SVP  (also providing written testimony)  (Austin Chamber of

                                          Commerce), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Anthony, Dr. David   Retired pub. sch. dist. superintendent  (Self) , Bullard, TX

                                          Arnold, Ellen    (TX PTA), Austin, TX

                                          Banks, Yannis    (Texas NAACP), Austin, TX

                                          Cavazo-Reyna, C. LeRoy   VP Government Affairs  (San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of

                                          Commerce), San Antonio, TX

                                          Chavez, Jesus H.   Co-Exucutive Director  (South Texas Association of Schools), Round

                                          Rock, TX

                                          Cowan, Julie   Austin ISD Trustee  (Self; AISD Board), Austin, TX

                                          DeLeon, Marty    (Round Rock ISD), Austin, TX

                                          Flores, Juan H.   Consultant/advisor  (La Fe Policy Research and Education Center), San

                                          Antonio, TX

                                          Flores, Rebecca   Associate  (Texas School Alliance), Austin, TX

                                          Gustafson, Lindsay    (Texas Classroom Teachers Assoc.), Austin, TX

                                          Haenisch, Barry   Executive Director  (Texas Association of Community Schools), Austin,


                                          Lauter, Lisa   Parent  (Self) , Houston, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 463

              Senate Committee Report


                                          Majcher, Dineen    (Self; Parent, business owner, TAMSA mom), Austin, TX

                                          Martinez, Louann    (TX Urban Council (Austin, Aldine, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San

                                          Antonio, El Paso, Ysleta ISDs, Corpus Christi)), Austin, TX

                                          Masey, Chris   Policy Specialist  (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities), Austin, TX

                                          McCreary, Casey   Assistant Executive Director  (Texas Association of School

                                          Administrators), Austin, TX

                                          Nichols, Colby   Attorney  (Texas Rural Education Association), Austin, TX

                                          Sconzo, Guy   Executive Director  (Fast Growth School Coalition), Kingwood, TX

                                          Sheffield, Heather    (Self; TAMSA), Austin, TX

                                          Stratton, Jennifer    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Williams, Ellen   Consultant/attorney  (Houston Independent School District), Austin, TX

                                          Yeager, Laura   Parent  (Self; Children in public schools), Austin, TX

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Anderson, David D.   Consultant to Arlington ISD  (Arlington ISD Board of Trustees),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Westbrook, Robert M.   TASB Board of Director, Region 20  (TASB, Schertz-Cibolo-

                                          Universal City ISD), Schertz, TX


                                          Goodsheller, Miranda   Governmental Affairs Manager  (Texas Association of Business),

                                          Austin, TX
