SB 907

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

              April 5, 2017 - 8:30 AM


                                          Brown, Tim   President  (Methodist Childrens Home), Waco, TX

                                          Castillo, Javier    (Self) , Ingram, TX

                                          Childs, Mark    (Self; Tx Coalition of homes for children), Pettus, TX

                                          Fortune, Kerry   President  (Ben Richey Boys Ranch & Family Program), Anson, TX

                                          Hamilton, Jay    (Self; Miracle farm), Brenham, TX

                                          Harms, Lynn   Past president  (Self; Childrens home of lubbock), Lubbock, TX

                                          Maikoetter, Michelle    (TCHC, Cal Farleys), Boys Ranch, TX

                                          Ramsay, Krystle   Director of Operations  (also providing written testimony)  (Hill Country

                                          Youth Ranch), Ingram, TX


                                          Barillas, Dr. Katherine   Director of Child Welfare Policy  (also providing written

                                          testimony)  (One Voice Texas), Houston, TX

                                          Homer, Andrew   Director of Public Affairs  (also providing written testimony)  (Texas

                                          CASA), Austin, TX

                                          Murphy, Kate   Senior child welfare policy associate  (also providing written testimony) 

                                          (Texans care for children), Austin, TX

                                          Patel, Dimple   Senior Policy Analyst  (also providing written testimony)  (Texprotects),

                                          Dallas, TX

                                          Scot, Johana   Executive Director  (Parent Guidance Center), Austin, TX

                                          Spiller, Lee   Executive Director  (Citizens Commission on Human Rights), Austin, TX


                                          Carmical, Audrey   Interim General Counsel  (Dept of Family and Protective Services),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Gilliam, Camille   Director of Permanency  (Dept of Family and Protective Services),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Murphree, Susan   Sr.Policy Specialist  (also providing written testimony)  (Disability

                                          Rights Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Shaw, Jean   Associate Commissioner for Child Care Licensing  (Department of Family

                                          and Protective Services), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Ancell, Mashelle    (Self; Ben Richey Boys Ranch & Family Program), Abilene, TX

                                          Forrester, Don   VP for Programs and Services  (Self; Texas Coalition of Homes for

                                          Children), Round Rock, TX

                                          Fortune, Elaine   Volunteer  (Self; Ben Richey Boys Ranch), Abilene, TX

                                          Fuller, Robbie   Clinical Director  (Self; Miracle Farm, Inc), Brenham, TX

                                          Huskey, Greg    (Souh texas childrens home), Beeville, TX

                                          Kester, Derek   Director of Children's Services  (Christ's Haven for Children), Keller, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 907

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

                                          Newberry, Glenn   President/CEO  (Self; Sherwood and Myrtie Foster Home for Children),

                                          Stephenville, TX

                                          Priour, Faith    (Hill Country Youth Ranch), Ingram, TX

                                          Priour, Jonah   Chaplain  (Hill Country Youth Ranch), Ingram, TX

                                          Thompson, David   Chief Operating Officer  (Self; Presbyterian Children's Homes and

                                          Services), Austin, TX

                                          Young, Douglas    (Foster's Home for Children), Teague, TX


                                          Blakey, Carla    (Self; Left up to us), Bastrop, TX

                                          Bostur, Jill    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Burleson, John   Mr  (Self; Travis County Resistance), Austin, TX

                                          Carney, Brianna    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Cathey II, Roy    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Delgado, Yolanda    (Self; Left Up to Us), Austin, TX

                                          Donnelly, Sophia    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Francis, Will    (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter), Austin, TX

                                          Gregor, Ellen    (Self; Left Up To Us), Austin, TX

                                          Locklear, Mikhaela    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Lopez, Carisa    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Oliver, Matt    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Powell, Judy   Communications Director  (Parent Guidance Center), Austin, TX

                                          Quakenbush, Chloe    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Reihel, Cole    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Ross, Julie    (Self; Dallas Down syndrome Guild), Dallas, TX

                                          Scott, Glenn    (Self; Left up to us), Austin, TX

                                          Szigetvari, Courtney    (Self; Left Up To Us), Austin, TX

                                          Wall, Catharine    (Self) , Austin, TX
