SB 1362

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

              March 27, 2017 - 9:00 AM


                                          Greytok, John   Attorney  (Self) , Austin, TX


                                          Chung Sherman, Melanie   Licensed Psychotherapist/agency administat  (also providing

                                          written testimony)  (Self) , TX

                                          Cochran-Green, Jennifer   Attorney  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Gray, Connie   President Texas Adoptee Rights  (also providing written testimony)  (Self;

                                          Organization), Austin, TX

                                          Hodgson, Shawna   Vice President  (Adoption Support Advocates), Kingwood, TX

                                          Johnston, Lisa    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Richardson, TX

                                          Perkins, Katy   Licensed Master Social Worker  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) ,

                                          Dallas, TX

                                          Purcell, Marci   Adoption Knowledge Affiliates  (Adoption Knowledge Affiliates), Austin,


                                          Slaughter, Richard D.    (Self) , San Antonio, TX

                                          Watson, Daryn   Board of Directors  (Adoption Knowledge Affiliates), Austin, TX

                                          Wisnoski, Anna   Mrs.  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , La Porte, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Branson, Steven   Pastor/Chairman of Board  (Self; Myself/Life Choices Medical Clinic),

                                          San Antonio, TX

                                          Everett, Carol   CEO  (Self) , Round Rock, TX

                                          Farrak, Charity   Executive Director  (Life Choices Medical Clinic), S.A., TX

                                          Pojman, Joe   Executive Director  (Texas Alliance for Life), Austin, TX


                                          Addington, Lana    (Self) , Keller, TX

                                          Bingham, Anne    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Bingham, Mary B.    (Self) , Kyle, TX

                                          Buchsbaum, Laura Lyons    (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Chalberg, Laura    (Self) , Dripping Springs, TX

                                          Champerois, Kathryn M.   Adoptee  (Self) , Tomball, TX

                                          Cloyd, Stacie    (Self) , Foss, OK

                                          Dimick, Kim   Co-founder  (Adoption Support Advocates), Houston, TX

                                          Dimick, Roger L.    (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Ferguson, Sherry   L.V.N.  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Fralia, Martha    (Self) , Ft. Worth, TX

                                          Graf, Jennifer    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Grissom, Britney    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Howard, Judith   N/A  (Self; Texas Adoptive Rights), Georgetown, TX

                                          Huiras, Dick   President of the Board  (Adoption Support Advocates), Houston, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 1362

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

                                          Kennedy, Adrienne C.    (Self) , West Lake Hills, TX

                                          Lanfear, Cheryl    (Texas Adoptee Rights), Georgetown, TX

                                          McNeely Williams, Sheri   Birth Mother  (Self) , Driftwood, TX

                                          Ostrant, Susan    (Adult Adoptees & My Children), New Braunfels, TX

                                          Peters, Joellen    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Purcell, Anna Marie    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Purcell, Megan   Student  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Reece, Alex    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Savoy, April   Birthmother & Maternity Services Caseworker  (Abrazo Adoption

                                          Services), San Antonio, TX

                                          Scott, Dawn    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Seides-Murphy, Jan    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Uurendvich, Elizabeth   Executive Director  (Abrazo Adoption Associates), San Antonio,


                                          Welce, Theresa    (Self) , Fort Worth, TX

                                          Wilder, Jamie    (Self) , Huntsville, TX

                                          Wilson, Mary    (Self) , Mansfield, TX


                                          Farinelli, Victor   Deputy of State Registrar  (Dept. of State Health Services), Austin, TX

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Kessler, Austin R.    (Self) , Austin, TX
