SB 1587

              Senate Committee Report

              Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

              April 24, 2017 - 2:00 PM or upon adjournment


                                          Carter, Stephanie    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Khan, Imaad    (Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                          Metzger, Luke   Director  (Self; Environment Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Wroe Schwarz, Whitney   MD  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas pediatric

                                          society and texas medical association), Austin, TX


                                          Selvera, Erin   Director of legal and legislative services  (TEXAS RURAL WATER

                                          ASSN.), Austin, TX


                                          La Caille, Cari-Michel   Director of Water Supply  (Texas Commission on Environmental

                                          Quality), Austin, TX

                                          Marin, Eric    (Texas Education Agency), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Arnold, Ellen    (Texas PTA), Austin, TX

                                          Dobbs, Andrew   Program Director  (Texas Campaign for the Environment), Austin, TX

                                          Ewing, Diane    (Texans Care for Children), Austin, TX

                                          Garaña, Kristine    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Garbutt, Liz    (Children's Defense Fund-Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Quinzi, Patty   Legislative Counsel, TX American Fed. Of Teachers  (TX - American

                                          Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX

                                          Reed, Cyrus   Conservation director  (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club), Austin, TX

                                          Saxon, Lucinda    (Legacy Community Health Services), Austin, TX

                                          Townsend, Trent    (The Nature Conservancy), Austin, TX

                                          Zerrenner, Kate   Senior Manager, Energy-Water Initiatives  (Environmental Defense

                                          Fund), Austin, TX


                                          Halfmann, Zoe    (City of Dallas), Dallas, TX

                                          Minick, Stephen   Vice President for Government Affairs  (Texas Asssociation of

                                          Business), Austin, TX

                                          Tagliabue, Tom   Director, Intergovernmental Relations  (City of Corpus Christi), Corpus

                                          Christi, TX


                                          Bojes, Heidi    (Texas Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX

                                          Chauvin, Gary    (TCEQ), Austin, TX

                                          Doyel, Elizabeth   Executive Director  (Self; Texas League of Conservation Voters),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Lange, Sabine   Dr.  (TCEQ), Austin, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 1587

              Senate Committee Report

              Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

                       Providing written testimony:


                                          Igo, Shanna    (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX
