SB 1633


              Public Health Committee

              May 16, 2017 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Chesler, Adam (Cardinal Health)

                       On :

                                 Dodson, Gay (Texas State Board Of Pharmacy)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Belcher, Nora (Texas e-Health Alliance)

                                 Carter, Janis (National Assoc of Chain Drug Stores)

                                 DuRapau, Krista (Texas Rural Health Association)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)

                                 Kralj, Nicole (National Association of Chain Drug Stores)

                                 Laroche, Sebastien (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.)

                                 Martin, Amanda (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Mayfield, Kara (Association of Rural Communities in Texas)

                                 McBeath, Don (Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals)

                                 Smith, Andrew (University Health System)

                                 Waldman,MD MBA, Dr. Deane (Texas public policy foundation)

                       Against :

                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Hudman, Justin (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                       On :

                                 Arnold, Kerstin (Texas State Board of Pharmacy)

                                 Benz, Allison (Texas state board of pharmacy)
