Economic & Small Business Development Committee

            March 16, 2017 - 8:00 AM

            HB 648


                                 Fisher, Jon (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)

                                 Rimann, J.D. (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Roden, Gary (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors)


                                 Aguilar, Leonard (Self; Texas Building Trades)

                                 Hyatt, Justin (Self)

                                 Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Murphy, Michael (Self; IBEW Local 520)


                                 Flores, Robert (Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Chatron, Michael (AGC Texas Building Branch)

                                 Conner, Rita (Self; ABC Central Texas)

                                 Dewitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Fowler, Perry (Texas Water Infrastructure Network (TXWIN))

                                 Matula, David (Self; ABC Central TX)

                                 Smith, David (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)

                                 Spilman, Annie (National Federation of Independent Business/Texas)

                                 Taylor, Corey (Self; Associated Builders and Contractors of Central Texas)

                                 Tredway, CJ (Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas)

                                 Utkov, Clayton (Self; ABC of Texas)


                                 Arabie, Joseph (Texas AFL CIO)

                                 Berendzen, James (Self; UA Local 100)

                                 Bradshaw, Ben (Self; UA Local 100)

                                 Cooper, Joe (Self; Swpt)

                                 English, Brian (Self; Smart-td)

                                 Garza, Debbie (Self)

                                 Ledezma, Abel (Self; South West Pipe Trades)

                                 LeFevre, Scott (Self; SWPTA)

                                 Patrick, John (Texas AFL CIO)

                                 Pedigo, Gary (Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen)

                                 Reyna, Israel (Self; South west pipe trades)

                                 Saunders, Kamron (Smart-td)

                                 Sheldon, Tyler (Texas State Employees Union)

                                 Sills, Edward (Self; Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Thornton, Robert (Self; Plumbers & pipefitters Local Union #286)

                                 Timm, Emily (Self; Workers Defense Project)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Tomlin, Chad (Self; Swpt)

            HB 1352


                                 Baggett, Donnis (Self; Texas Press Association)

                                 Herrera, Jessica (City of El Paso)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Baker, Lindsey (City of Denton)

                                 Broussard, Edward (City of Tyler)

                                 Coyle, Jeff (City of San Antonio)

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)

                                 Franco, Brie (City of Austin)

                                 Hart, Tom (City of Grand Prairie)

                                 Kovacs, Michael (City of Fate)

                                 McCarley, James (City of Plano)

                                 Patterson, TJ (City of Fort Worth)

                                 Ramirez, Rick (City of Sugarland)

                                 Schwab, Carlton (Texas Economic Development Council)

                                 Tagliabue, Tom (City of Corpus Christie)

                                 Weist, Jon (City of Irving)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)

            HB 1432


                                 Ross, Chuck (Texas Workforce Commission)

            HB 1433


                                 Ross, Chuck (Texas Workforce Commission)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Busby, William (Self)
