State Affairs Committee
April 19, 2017 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess
Hansen, Katie (Self)
MAchado, LYnne (Self)
Parks, Virginia (Self)
Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)
Finger, Jack M. (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alaniz-Zoghby, Jennifer (Self)
Arredondo, Brianna (Self)
Benavidez, Valerie (Self)
Bostur, Jill (Self)
Bow, Claire (Self)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)
Cameron, Lee (Self)
Campbell, Mildred Carolyn "Carol" (Self)
Campo, Rebecca (Self)
Carlson, Frank (Self)
Chambers, Courtney (Self)
Chisholm, Mechisholm@gmail.com (Self)
Cross, Darryl (Self)
Currie, Lynn (Self)
DeRosa, Nicholas (Self)
Dillon, Kris (Self)
Dizney, Desmion (Self)
Dower, Carolyn (Self)
Dresden, Ryden (Self)
Edmonson, Andrew (Self)
Fielder, Julie (Self)
Garcia, Isaac (Self)
Gonzales, Kathryn (Self)
Gonzales, Rodney (Self)
Goodman, Sara (Self)
Green, Billie (Self)
Guerra, Tracey (Self)
Haley, Hannah (Self)
Haley, Peter (Self)
Hayes, Holly (Self)
Healer, Virginia (Self)
Heck, Leah (Self)
Heim, Katie (Self)
Herbst, Jess (Self)
Hernandez, Steven (Self)
Jacob, Matthew (Self)
James, Patricia (Self)
Johnson, Marissa (Self)
Jost, Aimee (Self)
Joyner, Susannah (Self)
Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)
Kerker, Juliana (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Texas District)
Kese (Self)
Kreeger, Lauren (Self; The League of Women Voters of Texas)
Lavelle, Tanya (Self)
Lustick, Hilary (Self; Equality Texas)
Luthy, Laura (Self)
Margulies, Jennifer (Self)
Marques, Rebecca (Self)
Marsh, Deborah (Self)
Marsh, Gary (Self)
Mashberg, Amy (Self)
Melton, Rixi (Self)
Meurer, Jill (Self)
Mikitka, Alex (Self)
Miller, Katherine (Texas Freedom Network)
Minars, Kelley (Self)
Mineo, Sharon (Self)
Nguyen, Anna (Self; PFLAG Austin)
Orr, Kevin (Self)
Perretta, Andrew (Self; Human Rights Campaign)
Radbourne, Parker (Self)
Rocap, Blake (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)
Rosenberg, Chris (Self; Bell County Democratic Party)
Ryan, Michelle (Self)
Savelli, Nicholas (Self)
Scheidler, Mel (Self)
Schilt, Paige (Self)
Shattuck, Catherine (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Shea, Stephanie (Self)
Slataper, Rene (Self)
Star, Izzy (Self)
Stark, Sae (Self)
Stein, Lucy (Progress Texas)
Stephens, Margaret (Self)
Thomas, Ashley (Self)
Topping, David (Self)
Tucker, Jason (Self)
Wall, Catharine (Self)
Williamson, Amanda (Self)
Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Exley, Paul (Self)
Garcia, Michael (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self; Equality Texas)
Hudgens, Nicole (Self; Texas Values Action)
Little, Anna (Self; Texas Home School Coalition)
Little, Emma (Self; Texas Home School Coailtion)
McAllister, Denise (Self)
McJunkins, Phillip (Self)
Nuckols, Beverly (Self)
Palmisano, Bianca (Self)
Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values)
Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)
Wood, Cecilia (Self)
Zwiener, Erin (Self)
Alexander, Troy (Texas Medical Association)
Ibarra, Mia (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Wood, Robert (Comptroller)
Registering, but not testifying:
Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Bostur, Jill (Self)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)
Carlson, Frank (Self)
Cervantes, Samuel (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund)
Chisholm, Mechisholm@gmail.com (Self)
DeWitt, Cathy (Texas Association of Business)
Freeman, Kathryn (Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission)
Gonzalez, Ana (Workers Defense Project)
Hayes, Holly (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Johnson, Aaron (Equal Justice Center)
Jost, Aimee (Self)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)
Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (Texas Border Coalition)
Marsh, Deborah (Self)
Marsh, Gary (Self)
Melton, Rixi (Self)
Mineo, Sharon (Self)
Moreno, Celina (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund)
Puente, Jaime (Self)
Rosenberg, Chris (Self; Bell County Democratic Party)
Ryan, Michelle (Self)
Scheberle, Drew (The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce)
Shattuck, Catherine (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)
Tucker, Jason (Self)
Wall, Catharine (Self)
Winfield, Nakia (Self; NASWTX)
Mardegian, Rachael (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Smith, Michelle (Texas Association of School Business Officials)
Turner, Brent (Comptroller)
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)
Ghaffari, Limda (Self)
Wilson, Desurai (Self; GMC Consultants, LLC)
Registering, but not testifying:
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Rathgeber, Julia (Assoc. of Electric Companies of Texas)
Mathis, James (Texas Association of Manufactures)
Registering, but not testifying:
Albarado, Isaac (AEP Texas)
Jackson, Roy (Texas New Mexico Power Company)
Ryan, Jason (CenterPoint Energy)
Dyer, Richard (Steering Committee of Cities Served By Oncor)
Dyer, Richard (Texas Coalition for Affordable Power)
Lloyd, Brian (Public Utility Commission)
Fucik, Patrick (Sprint)
Lawson, Richard (Verizon)
Millar, Robert (Crown Castle)
Rimann, J.D. (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Tate, David (AT&T)
Williams, Randy (AT&T)
Atkinson, Jarrett (City of Llubbock)
Burghdoff, Dana (City of Fort Worth)
Carr, Snapper (Tx Municipal League)
Chang, Yushan (Mayor's Office, City of Houston)
Cunningham, Cathy (Cities of westlake and hurst)
Knight, Don (City of dallas)
Pena, Rogelio (City of San Antonio)
Spillar, Rob (City of Austin)
Tagliabue, Tom (City of Corpus Christi)
West, Clarence (Texas coalition of cities for utility issues)
Baum, Walt (Texas Public Power Association)
Baxter, Todd (Charter Communications)
Cruz, Velma (Texas Cable Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
Anton, Pauline (President of the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of
Commerce (TAMACC))
Belcher, Nora (Texas e-Health Alliance)
Derr, Amandus (Self; Crown Castle)
Geary, Michael (Texas Conservative Coalition)
Joiner, Caroline (TechNet)
Jones, Tom (General Motors)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (Texas Border Coalition)
Martin, Amanda (Texas Association of Business)
Matthews, Matt (Wireless Infrastructure Association)
Ratliff, Thomas (T-Mobile)
Scheberle, Drew (The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce)
Williams, Randy (JLL)
Wood, Cecilia (Self)
Arnold, Jim (Scenic Texas)
Arnold, Jim (Scenic Houston)
Athas, Douglas (City of Garland)
Baker, Lindsey (City of Denton)
Campbell, Scott (City of roanoke)
Cornwell, Clark (City of Austin)
Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)
Farmer, Craig (City of Weatherford)
Hale, Angela (City of mcKinney)
Kennard, Karen (City of Missouri City)
Leftwich, Michelle (City of McAllen)
McCarley, James (City of Plano)
Mcpherson, Holly (Texas municipal league)
Nystrom, Ashley (City of Waco)
Pagan, Kevin (City of Mcallen)
Ramirez, Heberto (City of Laredo)
Ramirez, Ricardo (City of Sugar Land)
Sparks, Chance (City of Buda and the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association)
Stevenson, Austin (City of McAllen)
Turner, Robert (Brownwood area chamber lregislative committee)
Turner, Robert (City of brownwod texas)
Turner, Robert (City of early texas)
Valenzuela, Robert (City of Sugar Land)
Laborde, Blanca (Level 3 Communications)
Lloyd, Brian (Public Utility Commission)
Broden, Pastor S.E. (Self; Protect Life and Marriage Texas)
Dorazio, Mark (Self)
Finger, Jack M. (Self; San Antonio Family Association)
Giovanetti, Tom (Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI))
Giovanetti, Tom (Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI))
Kelley, Ron (Prestonwood baptist church)
Welch, David (Self; Texas Pastor Council)
Arredondo, Brianna (Self)
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)
Batchelder, Paxton (Self)
Bow, Claire (Self)
Brush, Adrianna (Self)
Busey, Kelli (Self)
Cameron, Lee (Self)
Cameron, Lisa (Self)
Doughty, Deirdre (Self)
Farris, Lauryn (Self; Transgender Education Network of Texas)
Flannigan, Jimmy (City of Austin)
Galindo, Angelica (RGV Trans Support)
Galindo, Angelica (Self; RGV TRANS SUPPORT)
Garcia, Michael (Self)
Gonzales, Frank (Self)
Gonzales, Rachel (Self)
Green, Harriet Delphi (Self)
Hackenberg, Stacy (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self; Equality Texas)
Harris, Ashley (Visit San Antonio)
Herbst, Jess (Self; Trans United Fund)
Hilton, Glen (Self)
Johnson, Drew Riley (Self)
Jones, Phillip (VisitDallas)
Jones, Zoe (Self)
Joyner, Susannah (Self)
Kleinman, Lee (City of Dallas)
Martinez, Rae (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Martinez, Stephanie (Self; Live OakUnitarian Universalist Church)
Mathis, S Wayne (Self; Integrity Houston)
McAllister, Denise (Self)
McAllister, Denise (Self)
Mellor, William (AngelouEconomics)
Molnar, Eve (Self)
Moreno, Celina (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund)
Murphy, Tom (Self)
Nguyen, Anna (Self; PFLAG Austin)
Oakley, Cathryn (Human Rights Campaign)
Oeffinger, John (Self)
Orr, Kevin (Self)
Owens, Ellen (Self)
Parks, Virginia (Self)
Perry, Nicole (Self; A Nu Trans Movement)
Radbourne, Parker (Self)
Randall, Chris (Self)
Reese, Nikki (Self)
Richie, Aaron (Self)
Rigby, Jim (Self)
Roberts, Monica (Self; Black Transwomen, Inc Trans United Fund)
Rudner, Steve (Self)
Saldana, Rey (City of San Antonio)
Schelling, Emmett (Self; San Antonio Gender Association)
Schelling, Lydia (Self)
Schwartz, Elizabeth (Self)
Serna-McDougald, Alice (Self)
Skidmore, Danielle (Self)
Smith, Chuck (Equality Texas)
Smith, Louise (Self)
Stabler, Meghan (Self)
Stark, Sae (Self)
Stout, David (Self; County of El Paso)
Sughrue, Alissa (Self)
Thompson, Karen (Self)
Vaughan, Mason (Self)
Wallace, Chris (Texas Association of Business)
Wallace, Lillian (Self)
Weaver, Lou (Self; Equality Texas)
Wilson, Mary (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Asmussen, Cindy (Self)
Asmussen, Cindy (Self)
Bradford, Trayce (Self)
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Geary, Michael (Texas Conservative Coalition)
Gonzales, Mark (Self; Hispanic Action Network)
Hodges, Dana (Self)
Hudgens, Nicole (Self; Texas Values Action)
Hunter, Jeremiah (Self)
Nuckols, Beverly (Self)
Saenz, Jonathan (Texas Values)
Acock, Joe Collin (Self)
Alaniz-Zoghby, Jennifer (Self)
Alcocer, Steve (Self; Human Rights Campaign)
Alesch, Emily (Self)
Alexander, Kevin (Self)
Alford, Caleb (Self)
Alvarado, Amanda (Self)
Annoni, Nicholas (Self)
Arbona, Sonia (Self)
Azhar, Awais (HousingWorks Austin)
Badeaux, Aimee (Self)
Bailey, Richard (Self)
Barksdale, Jay (Greater Irving - Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce)
Barksdale, Jay (Plano Chamber of Commerce)
Baskin, Elizabeth (Self)
Beall, Jon (Self)
Benavidez, Valerie (Self)
Bhatt, Rishee (Self)
Blanton, Dana (Self)
Blinkhorn, Ashley (Self)
Bocanegra, Halisa (Self)
Bodin, Hunter (Self; Equality Texas)
Boren, Inna (Self)
Bosse, Portia (Texas State Teachers Association)
Bostur, Jill (Self)
Bryant, Suzanne (Self)
Buhler, Gail (Self)
Bull, Jennifer (Self)
Burleson, Anna Belle (Self)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)
Burrhus-Clay, Annette (Self; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault)
Butler, Casey (Self)
Caine, Sheri (Self)
Campbell, Carol (Self)
Campbell, Grover (Texas Association of School Boards)
Campbell, Mildred Carolyn "Carol" (Self)
Campo, Andres (Self)
Campo, Rebecca (Self)
Canon, Todd (Self)
Capo, Zeph (Self; Houston Federation of Teachers)
Carlson, Frank (Self)
Carlson, Nadia (Self)
Casas, Omar (Self)
Cervantes, Samuel (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund)
Chisholm, Mechisholm@gmail.com (Self)
Claytor, Sarah (Self)
Collins, Jill (Self)
Cornell, Victor (Self)
Costen, Paul (Self)
Creusere, Marlena (Self)
Croslin, Clair (Self)
Cross, Darrryl (Self)
Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)
Currie, Lynn (Self)
Curry, Charles (Self)
Dalley, Melissa (Self)
Davis, David (Self)
Davis, Linda (Self)
Davis, Lindsey (Self)
Davis, Sierra (Self)
Davis, Victoria (Self)
De Leon, Giovanna (Self)
DeRosa, Nicholas (Self)
Dickerson, Delores (Self)
Dillon, Kris (Self)
Dizney, Desmion (Self)
Donnelly, Sophia (Self)
Dossman, Elizabeth (Self)
Dower, Carolyn (Self)
Dresden, Ryden (Self)
Dubois, Jennifer (Self)
Dukes, Cowboi (Self)
Duncan, Nigel (Self)
Dunlap, Traci (Self)
Eastman, Anna (Self; Houston ISD)
Eddy, Joni (Self)
Edmonds, Erin (Self)
Edmonson, Andrew (Self)
Edwards, Dona (Self)
Elliff, D. Scott (Self; Equality Texas)
Fay-Stindt, Zoe (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Fielder, Julie (Self)
Fielder, Julie (Self)
Filipelli, Laurie (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Fisher, Carol (Self)
Florence, Rodney (Self)
Foree, Caleb (Self)
Foss, Samantha (Self)
Freeman, Chuck (Self; Tx Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)
Freeman, Noel (Self)
Garaña, Kristine (Self)
Garcia, Isaac (Self)
Garcia, Liam (Self)
Garcia, Zuri (Self)
Garibay, Montserrat (Self)
Gelb, Charlene (Self)
George, Janet (Self)
George, Maddie (Self)
Geske, Matt (Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce)
Getner, Makylie (Self)
Gidseg, Joey (Self; Austin Justice Coalition)
Glenn, Eric (American Society of Association Executives)
Glenn, Eric (American Society of Association Executives)
Gonzales, Juliana (Austin Tenants' Council)
Gonzales, Kathryn (Self)
Gonzales, Libby (Self)
Gonzales, Rodney (Self)
Goodfriend, Sarah (Self)
Goodman, Sara (Self)
Graham IV, FASAE, CAE, John H. (ASAE-American Society of Association Executives)
Grant, Tahlia (Self)
Green, Billie (Self)
Green, Joseph (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Guerra, Tracey (Self)
Gwendolyn, Sweet (Self)
Haley, Hannah (Self)
Haley, Hannah (Self)
Haley, Peter (Self)
Hamill (Self)
Hancox, Edward (Self)
Hansen, Katie (Self)
Harding, Christopher (Self)
Harris, Dana (Austin Chamber of Commerce)
Harris, Dana (Metro 8 Chambers of Commerce)
Harris, Dwight (Self; Texasaft)
Harrison, Andrew (Self)
Hartnett, Annie (Self)
Hayes, Holly (Self)
Healer, Virginia (Self)
Heck, Leah (Self)
Heim, Katie (Self)
Hernandez, Sadie (Self)
Hernandez, Steven (Self)
Herrera, Ernest (Self; MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund))
Hiam, Shelley (Self)
Hillsmith, Madeline (Self)
Huettner, Stephanie (Self)
Huettner, Stephanie (Self)
Hunt, Karen (Self)
Hunter, Melinda (Self)
Hyatt, Rebecca (Self)
Hyman, Shelby (Self)
Ivester, Jeremy (Self)
Ivester, Jo (Self)
Ivester, Jonathan (Self)
Jacob, Matthew (Self)
Jain, Nishit (Self)
James, Patricia (Self)
Johnson, Bethany (Self)
Johnson, Dane (Self)
Johnson, Kelly (Self)
Johnson, Marissa (Self)
Johnson, Selina (Self)
Joiner, Caroline (TechNet)
Jolin, Becky (Self)
Jones, Candace (Self)
Jones, Kimberly (Self)
Jones, Sarah (Self)
Jost, Aimee (Self)
Kaiser, Chris (Texas Association Against Sexual Assault)
Kalthoff, Wendy (Self)
Kamerer, Kelly (Self)
Kaplan, Jonathan (Self; RetailMeNot, Inc.)
Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)
Keese (Self)
Kelly, Bill (Self; Mayor's Office, City of Houston)
Kelly, Denis (Self)
Kelly, Mara (Self; NA)
Kirtley, Kerry (Self)
Klein, Jasper (Self)
Kreeger, Lauren (Self; The League of Women Voters of Texas)
Kriese, Tracy (Self)
Lackey, Holt (Self)
LaMarca, Jeffrey (Self)
Landry, Brianna (Self)
Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)
Larkin, Brenna (Self)
Lavelle, Tanya (Self)
Lawrence, Michelle (Self)
Lehmeier, Thomas (Self)
Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)
Lewis, Jill (Self)
Lightheart, Barbara (Self)
Lippincott, Elizabeth (Self; Texas Border Coalition)
Lupfer, Eric (Self)
Lustick, Hilary (Self; Equality Texas)
Luthy, Laura (Self)
Margulies, Jennifer (Self)
Marques, Rebecca (Self)
Marsh, Deborah (Self)
Marsh, Gary (Self)
Marsh, Lindsay (Self)
Martinez Schaefer, Virginia (Dallas regional chamber)
Mashberg, Amy (Self)
Matherne, Brenda (Self)
Mazariegos, Erwin (Self)
McArdle, Kathryn (Self)
McDonald, Patrick (Self)
McJunkins, Phillip (Self)
McKinnerney, Anne (Self)
Meed, Alex (Self)
Melton, Rixi (Self)
Merfish, Brett (Self)
Meurer, Jill (Self)
Meurer, Kelsey (Self)
Meyer, Rose (Self)
Michael, Anthony (AngelouEconomics)
Mikitka, Alex (Self)
Miller, Alisa (Self)
Miller, Katherine (Texas Freedom Network)
Miller, Megan (Self)
Minars, Kelley (Self)
Mineo, Sharon (Self)
Minkoff, Sadie (Self)
Mirto, Sophia (Self)
Moody, Mandy (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Morrison, Bailey (Self)
Murray, Allen (Self)
Naranjo, Katie (Self)
Nelson, Louise (Self)
Norris, Sarah (Self)
Nystrom, Ashley (City of Waco)
OFuret, Brad (Self; Equality Texas)
Palmisano, Bianca (Self)
Pappas, Teresa (Self)
Peek, George (Self)
Peek, Whitney (Self)
Pennington, Tamara (Self)
Pierce, Russell (Self)
Pina, Mario (Self)
Pinkston, Caroline (Self)
Plylar, David (Self)
Pritchett, William (Self)
Puente, Jaime (Self; Texas Graduate Student Diversity)
Puente, Jaime (Self)
Railsback, Sherie (Self)
Raney, Jonea (Self)
Rau, Seth (San Antonio ISD)
Richie, Erika (Self)
Riverstar, Deb (Self)
Robertson, Rebecca (ACLU of Texas)
Rocap, Blake (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)
Rodriguez, Jennifer (Apple, Inc.)
Roise, Cecelia (Self)
Rosenberg, Chris (Self; Bell County Democratic Party)
Ross-Velasquez, Jennifer (Self)
Russell, Claudia (El Paso County)
Ryan, Michelle (Self)
Saslavsky, Elisa (Self)
Savelli, Nicholas (Self)
Scheckelhoff, Lindsay (Self)
Scheidler, Mel (Self)
Schell, Eric (Self)
Scheps, Lisa (Self; Transgender Education Network of Texas)
Schilt, Paige (Self)
Scott, Kim (Self)
Shattuck, Catherine (Self; Literary Women in Action)
Shea, Stephanie (Self)
Shelor, Suzy (Self)
Shouse, Anna (Self)
Shouse, Anna (Self)
Slataper, Rene (Self)
Smith, Ashley (Self)
Smith, Rose (Self)
Smoot, Samantha (Self)
Spaventa, Louisa (Self)
Spencer, Stephen (Self)
Star, Izzy (Self)
Starich, Jessica (Self)
Stein, Lucy (Progress Texas)
Stelly, Mark (Self)
Stephens, Margaret (Self)
Stone, Julia (Self)
Stone, Ryan (Self)
Stratton, James (Self)
Sturm, Nikole (Self; Travis county Green Party)
Tagliabue, Tom (City of Corpus Christi)
Tejani (Self)
Thomas, Ashley (Self)
Thomas, William (Self)
Thompson, Sarah (Self)
Tilley, Ashley (Self)
Timmons, Montinique (Self; Texas Counseling Association)
Topping, David (Self)
Torres, Laura (Self; YWCA Greater Austin)
Triplett, Chelsea (Self)
Tucker, Jason (Self)
Tucker, Jessica (Self)
Villela, Juan (Self)
Walker, Nate (Texas Low Income Housing Information Service)
Wall, Catharine (Self)
Waller, Barry (Self)
Walters, Laura (Self)
Watson, Fran (Self; Houston GLBT Political Caucus)
Watts, Jes (Self)
Weatherby, Cinde (Self)
Weigel, Alicia (Self)
Westerberg, Kaitlyn (Self; Texas Rising of Texas Freedom Network)
Williamson, Amanda (Self)
Winfield, Nakia (Self; NASWTX)
Yepa, Maia (Self)
Zahler, Anya (Self)
Zahler, Rebecca (Self)
Ziolkowski, Mel (Self)
Zwiener, Erin (Self)
Angelou, Angelos (AngelouEconomics)
Toth, Michael (Office of the Attorney General)
Levine, Ken (Sunset Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alexander, Troy (Texas Medical Association)
Geary, Michael (Texas Conservative Coalition)
Seago, John (Self; Texas Right to Life)
Registering, but not testifying:
Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings)
Dixon, Don (Self)
Freeman, Kathryn (Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission)
Geary, Michael (Texas Conservative Coalition)
Hall, Jenna (Self)
Hall, Terri (Self)
Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)
Mechler, Tom (Republican Party of Texas)
Nuckols, Beverly (Self)
Birch, Carol (Public Citizen Texas)
Burnam, Lon (Self; Public Citizen)
Parks, Virginia (Self)
Richards, Joanne (Self; Common Ground for Texans)
Registering, but not testifying:
Arnold, Joe (Self; BASF)
B, Trent (Self)
Meroney, Mike (Huntsman Corporation and BASF Corporation)
Minick, Stephen (Texas Asssociation of Business)
Sebree, Ben (Permian Basin Petroleum Association)