Business & Commerce

            May 15, 2018 9:00 AM

            Implementation of SB 1004


                                 Chang, Yushan  (City of Houston), Houston, TX

            Monitoring the Implementation of SB 1004


                                 Baffer, Barbara  Vice President  (also providing written testimony) (Tech Titans), Plano, TX

                                 Blatter, Ambre  Network Director, T-Mobile (T-Mobile), Austin, TX

                                 Bowman, Beth  President and CEO  (also providing written testimony) (Greater Irving - Las

                                 Colinas Chamber of Commerce), Irving, TX

                                 Camacho, Priscilla  Sr. Vice President of Public Policy  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Dallas Regional Chamber), Dallas, TX

                                 Derr, Amandus  Crown Castle Government Relations  (Self), Houston, TX

                                 DIGNEO, Bob  Asst. VP (AT&T), Austin, TX

                                 Dunaway, Scott   (also providing written testimony) (Texas 5G Alliance), Austin, TX

                                 Giles, Deborah  Texas Technology Consortium  (also providing written testimony)  (Self;

                                 TExas Technology Consortium), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Dana   (also providing written testimony) (Austin chamber of commerce), Austin,


                                 Heard, David  CEO, Tech Bloc  (also providing written testimony) (Tech Bloc), San

                                 Antinio, TX

                                 Lawson, Richard   (also providing written testimony) (Verizon), Austin, TX

                                 Lenox, Howard   (also providing written testimony) (GM), Reno, NV

                                 Perez, Robert   (also providing written testimony) (City of Dallas), Dallas, TX

                                 Roberts, Julie  Development officer  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Mira Vista

                                 Fort Worth Homeowners Association), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Sakulenzki, Cynthia  President/CEO  (also providing written testimony) (Io Grande Valley

                                 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce), McAllen, TX

                                 Sumrall, Mark  Real Estate Services Section Director  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Texas Department of Transportation), Austin, TX

                                 Theunissen, Trevor  Public Affairs Lead (Uber Technologies), Austin, TX

            SB 1004


                                 Hammer, Marcus  (City of San Antonio), San Antonio, TX

            SB 1004 - Small Cell Legislation


                                 Hawkings, Rondella  Director Telecom and Regulatory Affairs  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (City of Austin), Austin, TX