Intergovernmental Relations

            November 1, 2017 11:00 AM

            Hurricane Harvey


                                 Barker, Tim  Mayor  (also providing written testimony) (Wharton), Wharton, TX

                                 Blaschke, Robert  County Judge (Refugio County), Refugio, TX

                                 Bruun, Bech  Chairman  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Water Development

                                 Board), Austin, TX

                                 Calhoun, P.T. (Pat)  County Judge (Goliad County), Goliad, TX

                                 Clegg, John   (Self), Victoria, TX

                                 Hakeem, Omar  Design Director/ Architect  (also providing written testimony) (Building

                                 Community Workshop), Dallas, TX

                                 Hentz, Jeffrey  President/ CEO (Port Aransas Chamber & Tourism), Port Aransas, TX

                                 Irvine, Timothy K.  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas

                                 Department of Housing & Community Affairs), Austin, TX

                                 Lee, Michael  Director of Engineering & Safety Operations  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Texas Department of Transportation), Austin, TX

                                 McMullin, Keith  (Port Aransas), Port Aransas, TX

                                 Mills, Burt  Judge  (also providing written testimony) (Aransas County), Rockport, TX

                                 Mitchell-Bennett, Nick  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Community

                                 Development Corp of Brownsville), Brownsville, TX

                                 Otto, John  Assistant Vice Chancellor & Director of Local Government Relations  (also

                                 providing written testimony) (Governor's Commission To Rebuild Texas), College Station,


                                 Phillips, Pete  Senior Deputy Director Community Development & Revitalization  (also

                                 providing written testimony) (General Land Office), Austin, TX

                                 Phinney, Chuck  State Coordinator for Preparedness (Texas Division of Emergency

                                 Management), Austin, TX

                                 Polasek, Paul  Mayor  (also providing written testimony) (Victoria), Victoria, TX

                                 Shaw, Bryan W.  Chairman  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Commission on

                                 Environmental Quality), Austin, TX

                                 Staley, Cynthia  Executive Director (Golden Crescent Habitat for Humanity), Victoria, TX

                                 Van Zandt, Shannon  Professor  (also providing written testimony) (TAMU Hazard

                                 Reduction & Recovery Center), College Station, TX

                                 Whitlow, Jack  Mayor (Port Lavaca), Port Lavaca, TX

                                 Zeller, Ben  County Judge (Victoria County), Victoria, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Cook, Kelly W.  Director, Critical Infrastructure Division (Texas Commission on

                                 Environmental Quality), Austin, TX

                                 Fisher, Brian Lewis  Emergency Management Coordinator (General Land Office), Austin,


                                 Lagrone, Heather  Deputy Director (General Land Office), Austin, TX

            Welcoming Remarks


                                 Hinds, David  Victoria College President (Victoria College), Victoria, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            Intergovernmental Relations

            November 1, 2017 11:00 AM

                                 Polasek, Paul  Mayor (Victoria), Victoria, TX