
            January 26, 2017 9:00 AM

            SB 1


                                 Jackobs, Steven C  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas IAF

                                 Workforce Alliance), Aust

                                 Sparks, Cheryl  Higher Ed (Howard College / SWCID), Big Spring, TX


                                 Bailey, Guy  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of Texas Rio Grande


                                 Ballard, Dr. Steven  Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs  (also providing

                                 written testimony) (Stephen F. Austin State University), Nacogdoches, TX

                                 Benson, Dr. Richard C.  President  (also providing written testimony) (The University of

                                 Texas at Dallas), Richardson, TX

                                 Calhoun, MD, Kirk A.  President (UT Health Science Center at Tyler), Tyler, TX

                                 Callender, M.D., David L.  Physician / Administrator  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (University of Texas Medical Branch), Galveston, TX

                                 Colasurdo, M.D., Giuseppe N.  President, UT Health Houston  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (UT Health Houston (UT Health Science Center)), Houston, TX

                                 Deardorff, Emily  LBB Staff (LBB)

                                 DePinho, M.D., Ronald  President  (also providing written testimony) (UT MD Anderson

                                 Cancer Center), Houston, TX

                                 Duncan, Robert  Chancellor  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Tech University

                                 System), Lubbock

                                 Fenves, Gregory L.  President  (also providing written testimony) (UT Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Foster, Paul L.  Chairman - U.T. Board of Regents (THE University of Texas System),

                                 Austin, TX

                                 Fowle, Dr, Marilyn  V.P. for Adm. & Finance  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Midwestern State University), Wichita Falls, TX

                                 Fraire, Jacob   (also providing written testimony) (Texas Association of Community

                                 Colleges), Austin, TX

                                 Gallant, Dr. Danny  Vice President for Finance and Administration  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Stephen F. Austin State University), Nacogdoches, TX

                                 Henrich, M.D., William L.  President, UT Health San Antonio  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (UT Health San Antonio), S.A., TX

                                 Hernandez, Demetrio  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Jackson, Lee  Chancellor  (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas

                                 System), Dallas, TX

                                 Karbhari, Vistasp  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of Texas at

                                 Arlington), Arlington, TX

                                 Kelley, Scott  Executive Vice Chancellor (UT System Administration), Austin, TX

                                 Klotman, Paul  Pres & CSO BCM  (also providing written testimony) (Baylor College of

                                 Medicine), Houston, TX

                                 Lane, Austin A.  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Southern University)

                                 Lange, Dr. Richard  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Tech Health

                                 Sciences Center at El. Paso), El Paso

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            January 26, 2017 9:00 AM

                                 May, Dr. Brian  President  (also providing written testimony) (Angelo State University),

                                 San Angelo, TX

                                 May, Joe D.  Chancellor (Dallas County Community College District)

                                 McGeady, John  LBB Staff (LBB)

                                 McRaven, William H.  Chancellor (UT System)

                                 Mitchell, Dr. Tedd  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Tech University

                                 Health Sciences Center), Lubbock

                                 Mong, Bob  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas at

                                 Dallas), Dallas, TX

                                 Natalicio, Diana  President  (also providing written testimony) (Univ of Texas at El Paso),

                                 El Paso, TX

                                 Patillo, Dr. Baker  President  (also providing written testimony) (Stephen F. Austin State

                                 University), Nacogdoches, TX

                                 Podolsky, M.D., Daniel K.  President  (also providing written testimony) (UT Southwestern

                                 Medical Center), Dallas, TX

                                 Reeser, Michael L.  Chancellor  (also providing written testimony) (TSTC), Waco, TX

                                 Romo, Dr. Ricardo  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of Texas at

                                 San Antonio)

                                 Schmidt, Emily  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Schovanec, Lawrence  President  (also providing written testimony) (Texas Tech

                                 University), Lubbock, TX

                                 Smatresk, Neal  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas),

                                 Denton, TX

                                 Tidwell, Michael  President, UT Tyler (The University of Texas at Tyler), Tyler, TX

                                 Tintera, John  Geologist/ Lobby (Texas Alliance of Energy Producers)

                                 Versluis, John  Dean of the Texas Heritage Museum, Hill College (Hill college)

                                 Watts, W. David  President, UT Permian Basin  (also providing written testimony) (UT

                                 Permian Basin), Odessa, TX

                                 Williams, Michael  President  (also providing written testimony) (University of North Texas

                                 Health Science Center), Ft. Worth, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Brown, Willis  Graduate Student Assembly President - UT Austin (UT students), Austin,



                                 Barnes, Gary  Vice Chancellor & Chief Financial Officer (Texas Tech University System),


                                 Buchholz, M.D., Thomas  Executive Vice President (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 Cavin, Elmo  Exec. VP for Finance & Administration (Texas Tech University Health

                                 Sciences Center), Lubbock

                                 Fuciarelli, Sue  Chief Financial Officer (Texas Tech Health Sciences Center at El Paso), El


                                 Giardino, Vincent  Assistant Criminal District Attorney (Sharen Wilson, Tarrant County

                                 CDA), Fort Worth

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            January 26, 2017 9:00 AM

                                 Monroe, Alicia  Provost Baylor College of Medicine (Baylor College of Medicine),

                                 Houston, TX

                                 Sloan, Noel  Chief Financial Officer (Texas Tech University), Lubbock, TX

                                 Wright, Angie  Chief Financial Officer (Angelo State University), San Angelo, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 McMillen, Dr. Jeremy  President (Grayson College)

                                 Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel (TX-American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX