State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

            SB 5


                                 Bareroft, Jack  Chairman Coryell County GOP (Texas Republican County Chairmen's

                                 Ass.), Gatesville, TX

                                 Davis, Chris  Elections Administrator (Texas Association of Elections Administrators),

                                 Georgetown, TX

                                 DeVore, Chuck  Vice President (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Dripping Springs, TX

                                 Dickey, James R.  Chairman (Self, Republican Party of Texas), Spicewood, TX

                                 Fairbrother, Bill  Legislative Chair (Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association), R,


                                 Freeman, Leland  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Aaron  Ex. Dir. (Direct Action Texas), NRH, TX

                                 Heekert, David  (Self), Georgetown, TX

                                 Keys, Jeffrey  None (Self), Taylor, TX

                                 Openshaw, Michael  (Self), Plano, TX

                                 Sands, Kara  Nueces County Clerk (Nueces County Clerk's Office, County and District

                                 Clerks Assc. of Texas), CC, TX

                                 Vera, Alan D.  Chairman (Harris County Republican Party Ballot Security Committee),

                                 Houston, TX


                                 Banks, Yannis  (TX NAACP), Austin, TX

                                 Simpson, Matt  Deputy Political Director/Legislative (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Weatherby, Cinde  Voting Rights & Elections Issue Chair  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (League of Women Voters of Texas), Austin, TX


                                 Ingram, Keith  Director, Elections Division (Texas Secretary of State), Austin, TX

                                 Maxey, Glen  Legislative Director (Texas Democratic Party), Austin, TX

                                 White, Jonathan  Asst Atty Gen (OAG), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bohnert, Henry  Farmer/Rancher (Self), Brazoria, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam  Blogger (Cahnman's Musings), Austin, TX

                                 Jackson, Janet H.  President, Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association (TRCCA),

                                 Clifton, TX

                                 Johnson, Vernell S.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Johnson, Jr., Justin  Retired (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Jones, Sarah A.   (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Keys, Tamara J.  (Self), Taylor, TX

                                 Koebele, Steve  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Martin, Joanne  (Self), Bulverde, TX

                                 Matucha, Dustin  Executive Director (Empower Texans, Self), Austin, TX

                                 McDonald, Tony  General Counsel (Empower Texans), Austin, TX

                                 Palmer, Joe  (Self), Burleson, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

                                 Reaves, Jim  State Legislative Director (Texas Farm Bureau), Austin, TX

                                 Roberts, Cary  Lobbyist (County and District Clerks' Assn of Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Shannon, Melissa  Ms.; Governmental Affairs Director (Bexar County Commissioners

                                 Court), San Antonio, TX

                                 Shrader, Rolanda  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Simpson, Terrie  (Self), SA, TX

                                 Vera, Colleen  Retired Teacher (Self), Houston, TX


                                 Blanton, Danna  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Drummond, Marie  (Self), Del Valle, TX

                                 Oliver, Matt  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Tucker, Jason   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Wall, Catharine  (Self), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Person, Maria  (Self), Austin, TX

            SB 6


                                 Abbott, Robert B.  Fire Chief (Travis County ESD #6/Lake Travis Fire Rescue), Austin, TX

                                 Aleshire, Bill  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bateman, Jim  Vice President/Chair of Annexation Committee  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Shady Hollow Homeowners Association), Austin, TX

                                 Booker, Frances  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Cahn, Adam  Blogger (Cahnman's Musings), Austin, TX

                                 Carlton, John  Attorney (Texas State Association of Fire and Emergency Districts), Austin,


                                 Chetnow, Laureen  Resident  (also providing written testimony) (Self and Husband), Austin,


                                 Coultress, Claire  (Self), Bourne, TX

                                 Coultress, Julie  (Self), Bourne, TX

                                 Dane, Matthew   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Dickens, Harvey  (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Dickey, James R.  Chairman (Self, Republican Party of Texas), Spicewood, TX

                                 Drollinger, Gregory  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Drugan, Sam  City Attorney, City of Kingsbury (City of Kingsbury), Kingsbury, TX

                                 Dunbar, Bruce  (Self), Boerne (Bexar), TX

                                 Fitzpatrick, Sandra  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Freeman, Leland   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Girdley, Lucas  President (Alamo Fireworks), San Antonio, TX

                                 Grafe, Robert  Vice Chairman, Kingsbury Incorporation Committee (City of Kingsbury),

                                 Kingsbury, TX

                                 Green, Barbara   (Self; Homeowners Against Annexation), Boerne, TX

                                 Green, Glenn  (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

                                 Guerra, Hanibal  Taxpayer (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Hadick, Clay  President (NW 151 Annexation Board), San Antonio, TX

                                 Hagemann, Howard  Director Wells Branch MUD (Wells Branch), Austin, TX

                                 Harper, Betsey  Wells Branch MUD Director (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Haynes, Glenda   (also providing written testimony) (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Herron, Vicky I.   (also providing written testimony) (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Johnson, Vernell S.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Johnston, Jr., Justin John  Retired (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Kutz, Dan  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ludlum, Al  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Mathew, Bryan T.  Policy Analyst (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX

                                 Mattox, Tim  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Moore, Alton  Chair (Hudson Bend Incorporation Committee), Austin, TX

                                 Mouser, Michael  None (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Nichols, Donald C.  Dem Pct 4041 Chair (Bexar Co), San Antonio, TX

                                 Openshaw, Michael  (Self), Plano, TX

                                 Ortiz, Richard  (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Pack, Jason  Battalion Chief (Travis County Fire Rescue), Del Valle, TX

                                 Painter, Jake  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Palmer, Amy   (Self), Cibolo, TX

                                 Palmer, Shelley  Director (Wells Branch MUD), Austin, TX

                                 Roberts, Robin  Ms. (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Robinder, PhD, Ronald C.  Citizen (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ross, Shirley J.  General Manager of Wells Branch MUD (Wells Branch MUD), Austin,


                                 Scalpati, Kelly  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Serdinia, Destinee F.  Veteran (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Stewart, Michael P.  President  (Self; Homeowners Against Annexation), Boerne, TX

                                 Stoisits, Richard F.  (Self), Kingwood, TX

                                 Tovar, Melissa  (Self), Marion, TX

                                 Wildenthal, John M.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Wolske, James P.  Self  (also providing written testimony) (Parks of Neighborhood),

                                 Austin, TX


                                 Ayala, Juan G.  Director, Office of Military Affairs  (also providing written testimony) (San

                                 Antonio), San Antonio, TX

                                 Collier, Virginia  City Planner (City of Austin), Austin, TX

                                 Elliot, Mary  Planning Manager (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth, TX

                                 Farmer, Craig  Director of Planning and Development  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Mayor City of Weatherford), Weatherford, TX

                                 Freeman, Derrick K.  Mayor (City of Port Arthur), Port Arthur, TX

                                 Houston, Scott  General Counsel (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX

                                 Ramos, Melinda  Senior Asst. City Attorney (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

                                 Tagliabue, Tom  Director, Intergovernmental Relations (City of Corpus Christi), Corpus

                                 Christi, TX

                                 Zanoni, Peter  Deputy City Manager  (also providing written testimony) (City of San

                                 Antonio), San Antonio, TX

                                 Zimmerman, Joe R.  Mayor of Sugar Land, Resident of Sugar Land (City of Sugar Land;

                                 Self), Sugar Land, TX


                                 Cardenas Jr., Alberto P.  Counsel  (also providing written testimony) (Vinson & Elkins

                                 LLP), Houston, TX

                                 Palmer, Joe  (Self), Burleson, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allen, Janet L.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Allen, Sr., D.A.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Armstrong, George   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Aversa, Mary   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Bohnert, Henry  Farmer/Rancher (Self/Convention of States Action), Brazoria, TX

                                 Boles, Karla  (Shady Hollow HOA - want ability to vote on annexation), Austin, TX

                                 Borgelt, Roger  NA (River Place RCA, North Austin MUD), Austin, TX

                                 Brashear, Rd  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Brashear, Ron  Professor (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Brooks, Robert  Homeowner (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cohen, Derek  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Coultress, Emily   (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Crosby, Sean  (River Place HOA), Austin, TX

                                 Dewitt, Jim   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Eissler, Rob  Leg. Consultant (Peninsula of Westlake; The Woodlands), Austin, TX

                                 Goodwin, Vikki  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Grammar, Danny  NA (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Grammar, Jennifer  NA  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Green, Kim  MUD Director (NA MUD #1), Austin, TX

                                 Grossman, Jeffrey W.  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Hargraves, Jo Anne  (River Place Homeowner), Austin, TX

                                 Harper, Stephen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Harris, Aaron  Ex. Dir. (Direct Action Texas), NRH, TX

                                 Jones, Caecum  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Jo  Director (North Austin MUD #1), Austin, TX

                                 Jones, Rick   (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Jones, Sarah A.   (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Keener, Justin  Consultant (Americans for Prosperity - Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Keys, Jeffrey   (Self), Taylor, TX

                                 Keys, Tamara J.  (Self), Taylor, TX

                                 Koebele, Steve   (Self), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

                                 Kutz, Whitney  Citizen, Homeowner in River Place (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Lawson, Geoff  Treasurer (Shady Hollow Homeowners Association), Austin, TX

                                 Lewis, Frank  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ludlum, Connie  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Martin, Joanna  (Self), Bulverde, TX

                                 Matouha, Dustin  Executive Director (Empower Texans & self), Austin, TX

                                 McDonald, Tony  General Counsel (Empower Texas), Austin, TX

                                 Meade, Sheryl  (Self), Converse, TX

                                 Munoz, Ned  General Counsel (Texas Association of Builders), Austin, TX

                                 Painter, Jay  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Parenteau, Julia  Associate Director (Texas Association of Realtors), Austin, TX

                                 Pate, Gardner  (Texas Building Owners and Managers Association (Texas BOMA)), Austin,


                                 Perry, William C.  Retired (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Pierce, LeVaughan   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Potter, John   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Potter, Kelli   (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Reaves, Jim  State Legislative Director (Texas Farm Bureau), Austin, TX

                                 Riordan, Joseph   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Riordan, Maryann   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Rosinbaum, Tonya  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Shrader, Rolanda  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Simon, John D.  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Simon, Pam  (Self), Boerne, TX

                                 Simpson, Rossie  (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Smyser, Craig   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Sobocinski, Courtney  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Sobocinski, Joseph  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Staes, Gregg   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Vera, Alan D.  NA (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Vera, Colleen  Retired Teacher (Self), Houston, TX

                                 Wallace, Robin  Veteran (Self), San Antonio, TX

                                 Wilson, Allan  (River Place HOA), Austin, TX

                                 Wright, Felicia  Associate Director of Legislative & Political Affairs (Texas Association of

                                 Builders), Austin, TX


                                 Acevedo, Julie  Consultant (The City of Round Rock; The City of Baytown), Austin, TX

                                 Albert, David   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Alsman, Kathryn A.  Mrs. (Family), Austin, TX

                                 Armstrong, George  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Asmon, Nisoei  Bei (Family), Austin, TX

                                 Blanton, Dana  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Carr, Snapper  Attorney (City of Denton), Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST

            State Affairs

            July 23, 2017 1:00 PM

                                 Collins, Karen   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Cuellar, Guadalupe  Legislative Attorney (City of El Paso), El Paso, TX

                                 Drummond, Marie  (Self), Del Valle, TX

                                 Fortune, Andrew  Assistant to the City Manager (City Council of the City of Grand Prairie),

                                 Grand Prairie, TX

                                 Hale, Angela  Legislative Consultant (Frisco Chamber of Commerce; McKinney chamber

                                 of Commerce), Austin, TX

                                 Hausenfluck, Amber  Vice President Governmental Relations McGuire Woods Consulting

                                 (City of McAllen), Austin, TX

                                 Jennings, Bart  Division Manager (City of Austin - Austin Water), Austin, TX

                                 Lee, Randy M.  (City of Conroe), Austin, TX

                                 Lippincoft, Elizabeth  (Texas Border Coalition), Austin, TX

                                 Oliver, Matt   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Person, Marcia   (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Ramirez, Rick  Intergovernmental Relations Manager (Organization - City of Sugar Land),

                                 Sugar Land, TX

                                 Ramirez, Rick  Intergovernmental Relations Manager (City of Sugar Land), Sugar Land,


                                 Sikes, Linda   (Self), Dallas, TX

                                 Tucker, Jason   (Self), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Heubaum, Karl  (Convention of States Action), Austin, TX

                                 Scalpati, Jody  (Self), Austin, TX

                                 Simpson, Terrie  (Self), SA, TX


                                 Hale, Angela  Legislative Consultant (City of McKinney (Mayor Testimony)), Austin, TX

                                 Kralj, Nicole  Jr. Consultant (City of San Marcos), Austin, TX

                                 Solis, Eddie  (City of Houston), Austin, TX


                                 Kennard, Karen  Shareholder (City of Missouri City), Austin, TX

                                 Ruckel, Mari  Vice President (Texas Oil and Gas Association), Austin, TX