State Affairs
February 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Attorney General Jurisdiction
Hacker, David Special Counsel for Civil Litigation (Office of the Attorney General),
Austin, TX
Hays, Susan Attorney (Self), Austin, TX
McFarland, Adrienne Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice (Office of the Attorney
General), Austin, TX
Pojman, Ph. D., Joe Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Alliance
for Life), Austin, TX
Rocap, Blake Legislative Counsel (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas), Austin, TX
Seago, John Legislative Director (Texas Right to Life), Austin, TX
Sparks, Andrea Director, Governor's Child Sex Trafficking Team (Governor's Office),
Austin, TX
Starr, Brantley Deputy First Assistant Attorney General (Office of Attorney General),
Austin, TX
White, Carmen P. Assistant District Attorney - Admin. (Dallas County District Attorney's
Office), Dallas, TX
Wright, Kyleen President (also providing written testimony) (Texans for Life), Arlington,
Providing written testimony:
Pinon, Adriana Policy Counsel & Senior Staff Attorney (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX
Religious Liberty
Allmon, Jennifer Executive Director (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops), Austin, TX
Castano, Hernan Pastor (Self), Katy, TX
DeLorme, Edie Business owner (also providing written testimony) (Self), Hallsville, TX
Flowers, Charles Senior Pastor (The Community at Large, Faith Outreach Center, & San
Antonio in Black, White and Brown), San Antonio, TX
Green, Samuel Legal Counsel (Alliance Defending Freedom), Scottsdale, AZ
Horwitz, Rabbi Daniel (also providing written testimony) (Pastors for Texas Children),
Houston, TX
Houston, Joshua General Counsel (also providing written testimony) (Texas Impact),
Austin, TX
Kiel, Teresa Guadalupe County Clerk (Self and County & District Clerks Association of
Texas), Seguin, TX
Reyes, Dr. Gus Director (Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission), Austin, TX
Saenz, Jonathan Attorney & President (also providing written testimony) (Texas Values),
Austin, TX
Sharma, Saurabia Director of Events, Young Conservatives of Texas (Self), Austin, TX
Smith, Angela (Self), Fredericksburg, TX
Starr, Brantley Deputy First Assistant Attorney General (Office of Attorney General),
Austin, TX
State Affairs
February 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Tabor, Corey Chaplain (also providing written testimony) (Republican Party of Texas),
Manor, TX
Tyler, Dr. John Assoc. Professor of Law & Jurisprudence; Director of Legal Studies (also
providing written testimony) (Houston Baptist University), Houston, TX
Vassar, Ryan Deputy General Counsel (Office of the Attorney General), Austin, TX
Walters, Laura Pastor of Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis (Self), Austin, TX
Youman, Chelsey Legal Counsel (First Liberty Institute), Plano, TX
Providing written testimony:
Pinon, Adriana Policy Counsel & Senior Staff Attorney (ACLU of Texas), Austin, TX