Amend Amendment No. 105 by Howard on page 198 by adding the following:
(1)  On page III-58 of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's bill pattern, amend the following rider:
35. Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) Program-Public Community Colleges. Out of the funds appropriated above in Strategy C.1.5, Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Public Community Colleges, the Higher Education Coordinating Board shall distribute funding to Public Community Colleges for the Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program. For all funds appropriated above in Strategy C.1.5, Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Public Community Colleges, and funds transferred into the Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program-Public Community Colleges, any unexpended balances on hand at the end of fiscal year 2020 may be carried over to fiscal year 2021 for the same purpose.
Out of funds appropriated above, the Higher Education Coordinating Board shall develop a strategic plan to improve the outcomes of students eligible to receive or currently receiving a TEOG award. The strategic plan shall address:
(a)  persistence and completion;
(b)  the unique challenges that face students eligible to receive or are currently receiving a TEOG award;
(c)  structural inefficiencies of the TEOG program; and
(d)  increasing the respective rates of eligible students who receive a TEOG award.
The Higher Education Coordinating Board shall submit the strategic plan to the governor, the Legislative Budget Board, and permanent committees in the house of representatives and the senate with jurisdiction over higher education by November 1, 2020.
(2)  Adjust totals, methods of financing, and other provisions of the bill accordingly.