Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report) in Article VII of the bill by adding the following appropriately numbered rider following the appropriations to the Texas Workforce Commission (page VII-31):
____.  Study on Child Care Programs for Public Junior and Community Colleges. Out of funds appropriated above for the Texas Workforce Commission, the Texas Workforce Commission in consultation with public junior and community colleges shall conduct a feasibility study on seeking federal funds and matching grant money for providing child care services at eligible public junior and community colleges. The study must include an estimate of the number of, and demographic information regarding, students and children who would utilize those services, facility and staffing requirements and costs related to implementing the services, and any other information the commission considers necessary to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of seeking those funds for that purpose. The commission shall submit a report on the results of the study to the governor, the Legislative Budget Board, and the standing legislative committees with primary jurisdiction over workforce development not later than November 1, 2020.