Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report), in Article V of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of Public Safety (page V-57), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
____.  Study on Driver's License Office Efficiency. (a) Out of the funds appropriated above, the Department of Public Safety shall conduct a study regarding the efficiency of driver's license offices. The study must:
(1)  review the wait times, hours of operation, staffing, and general operations of each driver's license office location; and
(2)  examine:
(A)  the procedures for issuing driver's licenses in other states;
(B)  technological advancements in the issuance of driver's licenses, including the development of digital driver's licenses; and
(C)  best practices for issuing driver's licenses.
(b)  Not later than May 1, 2020, the Department of Public Safety shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and members of the legislature a report that includes:
(1)  the findings of the study; and
(2)  any recommendations to improve the process for issuing driver's licenses in this state.