Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
On page VI-24 of TCEQ's bill pattern, remove Rider 27:
[27. Barnett Shale Permit By Rule Study. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is not authorized to expend any funds appropriated in this Act to implement a rule that would extend 30 Texas Administrative Code, Section 106.352, Oil and Gas Handling Production Facilities, Rule Project No. 2010 018 106 PR ("Barnett Shale permit by rule") to oil and gas sources located outside the 23 county area of the Barnett Shale identified in Subsection (a)(1) of the Barnett Shale permit by rule region ("Barnett Shale Region") until after August 31, 2019, and until after the agency conducts a study and files a report with the legislature on the economic impact of extending the provisions of the Barnett Shale permit by rule to other areas of the state. Such a study may be funded through (1) grants, awards, or other gifts made to the TCEQ for that purpose; (2) funds directed to this study through supplemental environmental projects; or (3) by the use of the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan funds, as available. The study shall:
(a)     Be based on data collected during the 18 month period following initial implementation of the Barnett Shale permit by rule in the Barnett Shale Region;
(b)     Assess the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of the implementation of the Barnett Shale permit by rule in geographic areas outside of the Barnett Shale Region, including an assessment of the economic impacts on the oil and gas industry and the Texas economy; and
(c)     Assess any other factors the TCEQ deems relevant.
Nothing in this rider shall be construed to limit the TCEQ's authority to develop a permit by rule or other authorization for planned maintenance, startup, and shutdown emissions from oil and gas sources located outside the Barnett Shale Region.]