Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
On page VI-30 of the bill pattern for the General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board, amend Rider 16, Alamo and Alamo Complex Master Plan and Preservation, Maintenance, and Operations, as follows:
16.  Alamo and Alamo Complex Master Plan and Preservation, Maintenance, and Operations. (a) Included in the amounts appropriated above in Strategy A.3.1, Preserve and Maintain Alamo Complex, is $6,894,956 in fiscal year 2020 and $4,572,956 in fiscal year 2021 out of the General Revenue-Dedicated Alamo Complex Account No. 5152. In addition to these amounts appropriated above and pursuant to Natural Resources Code, Section 31.454, all remaining balances each fiscal year (estimated to be $0) and amounts deposited into the General Revenue-Dedicated Alamo Complex Account No. 5152 each fiscal year above the Comptroller's Biennial Revenue Estimate (estimated to be $0), are appropriated above to the General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board in Strategy A.3.1, Preserve and Maintain Alamo Complex for the purposes authorized in Natural Resources Code, Chapter 31, Subchapter I.
(b)  Included in amounts appropriated above out of the Economic Stabilization Fund in Strategy A.3.1, Preserve and Maintain the Alamo and Alamo Complex, are unexpended balances as of August 31, 2019, estimated to be $3,000,000 ($1,500,000 in fiscal year 2020 and $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2021) to implement the Master Plan for the Alamo and Alamo Complex and for the preservation, maintenance, and operation of the Alamo and Alamo Complex. Appropriations governed by this subsection may not be transferred or used for any other purpose. Any unobligated and unexpended balances as of August 31, 2020, in the appropriations made to the General Land Office and Veterans' Land Board in Strategy A.3.1, Preserve and Maintain the Alamo and Alamo Complex, are appropriated for the same purpose for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2020.
(c)  None of the amounts appropriated above to the General Land Office may be used for the purpose of permanently relocating the Alamo Cenotaph.