Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report) as follows:
Amendment to Article IX, Legislative Intent, IX-22:
Sec. 3.07. Equity Adjustments. (a) A state agency [may] shall adjust the salary rate of an employee whose position is classified under the position classification plan to any rate within the employee's salary group range as necessary to maintain desirable salary relationships:
(1)  between and among employees of the agency; or
(2)  between employees of the agency and employees who hold similar positions in the relevant labor market.
(b)  In determining desirable salary relationships under Subsection (a), a state agency shall consider the education, skills, related work experience, length of service, and job performance of agency employees and similar employees in the relevant labor market.
(c)  A state agency [may] shall award an equity adjustment to an employee under this section only if the adjustment does not conflict with other law.
(d)  A state agency shall adopt internal written rules relating to making equity adjustments under this section. The rules shall include procedures under which the agency will review and analyze the salary relationships between agency employees who receive salaries under the same job classification and perform the same type and level of work to determine if inequities exist.