Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article IX of the bill, in Section 17.10(c) (page IX-79), strike Subdivision (1)(G) and Subdivision (2) and substitute the following:
(G)  contracts not required by law to be competitively bid;
(2)  Conducts a cost-benefit analysis to compare canceling or continuing any major information resource project and related contracts subject to QAT monitoring that is more than 50 percent over budget or over schedule. QAT must approve the cost-benefit analysis for the project to continue. If this requirement is not met, corrective actions in Article IX, Section 9.02, of this Act apply; and
(3)  Determines that a vendor with whom the agency contracts has not been found by any oversight authority or in any legal proceeding, including a settlement action or mediation, to:
(A)  have been in breach of contract; and
(B)  have failed to make monetary amends to any third party harmed by the breach.