Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  Under the Article XI provisions under Article II for the Department of Family and Protective Services (page XI-3), add the following item:
Home Visiting Program
____.  In addition to other amounts appropriated for the two-year period beginning the effective date of this Act that may be used for this purpose under Article II, Strategy C.1.5, Home Visiting Program, the amount of $1,000,000 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Family and Protective Services for an emotional support program to be used for children and the child's parent or caregiver from pre-birth to five years old in-home visiting programs. DFPS shall require an organization to provide the following:
(a)  books, language, and learning opportunities to the child.
(b)  instruction in the family's home to the child's parent or caregiver regarding pre-school development of the child, accessibility to school, and how the parent or caregiver may participate in the child's educational experience at home and school.
(2)  Adjust the Article II subtotals and grand totals under Article XI accordingly.