Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article III of the bill, following the bill pattern appropriations to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (page III-229), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
____.  Contingent Appropriation. Contingent on the passage and becoming law of HB 2715, or other similar legislation of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, relating to a study by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute on motor-assisted scooters:
(1)  the Article VII appropriation from the General Revenue Fund to the Texas Department of Transportation for Strategy C.4.1, Research (page VII-17), is reduced by the amount of $300,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2020; and
(2)  the Article III appropriation from the General Revenue Fund to the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, is increased by the amount of $300,000 for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2020, for the purpose of studying motor-assisted scooters.