Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  On page III-2 of the Texas Education Agency's bill pattern, reduce general revenue in Strategy B.3.1, Improving Educator Quality/Leadership, by $464,857 in fiscal year 2020 and $448,857 in fiscal year 2021.
(2)  On page III-2 of the Texas Education Agency's bill pattern, increase general revenue in Strategy A.2.3, Students with Disabilities, by $464,857 in fiscal year 2020 and $448,857 in fiscal year 2021.
(3)  On page III-16 of the Texas Education Agency's bill pattern, amend the following rider:
41. Educator Quality and Leadership. Out of general revenue funds appropriated above in Strategy B.3.1, Improving Educator Quality and Leadership, the commissioner shall expend $14,035,143 [$14,500,000] in fiscal year 2020 and $14,051,143 [$14,500,000] in fiscal year 2021 for initiatives that will systematically transform educator quality and effectiveness statewide through improved teacher and principal hiring and recruitment, mentoring, preparation including standards related to educator preparation and program quality, induction, evaluation, professional development, career pathways, and retention; or for the purpose of administering the Educator Excellence Innovation Program in accordance with Texas Education Code Chapter 21, Subchapter O. The commissioner shall ensure that funds directed by this rider are allocated in a manner that maximizes receipt of federal grant funding for similar purposes.
From amounts referenced in the paragraph above, the commissioner shall set aside funds for the following purposes:
(a)  $5,000,000 for the 2020-21 biennium to implement standards on educator quality, including standards related to educator preparation and principal quality;
(b)  $2,000,000 for the 2020-21 biennium for Humanities Texas to support the Teacher Institute program targeting teachers in their first or second year of service in geographic areas with low student achievement on state assessments; and
(c)  $14,500,000 for the 2020-21 biennium to support Innovative Programs that support educator development or increase achievement outcomes based on a proven and demonstrable track record of improving student, campus, and district achievement, such as Math Innovation Zones and Replicating Great Options. The commissioner shall require any entity with which the Texas Education Agency contracts for purposes of administering Innovative Programs to provide any expenditure and performance data deemed necessary to assess the success of the program.
Any unexpended balances as of August 31, 2020, are hereby appropriated to fiscal year 2021 for the same purpose.
(4)  On page III-27 of the Texas Education Agency's bill pattern, add the following rider:
____.  Contingency for HB1199. Contingent on enactment of HB1199, or similar legislation relating to public school compliance with dyslexia screening and testing requirements, by the Eighty-Sixth Legislature, Regular Session, included in amounts appropriated above to the Texas Education Agency is $464,857 for fiscal year 2020 and $448,857 for fiscal year 2021 from the General Revenue Fund in Strategy A.2.3, Students with Disabilities, to implement the provisions of the legislation.