Amend CSHB 1 (house committee report), in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Health and Human Services Commission (page II-94), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider and renumbering subsequent riders accordingly:
____.  Study: Medicaid Eligibility Loss for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (a) Using funds appropriated above for Strategy I.1.1, Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment, the Health and Human Services Commission shall conduct a study to evaluate the maintenance of Medicaid eligibility for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who:
(1)  are enrolled in:
(A)  the home and community-based services (HSC) waiver program; or
(B)  the Texas home living (TxHml) waiver program; or
(2)  receive services in intermediate care facilities.
(b)  The study must evaluate:
(1)  the number of individuals enrolled in the waiver programs described by Subsection (a)(1) of this provision who will lose eligibility for benefits under Medicaid each month;
(2)  the average, shortest, and longest periods of time that occur before renewal of Medicaid eligibility for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability;
(3)  the number of individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who will lose Medicaid eligibility and not renew that eligibility;
(4)  the specific reasons individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability experience loss of Medicaid eligibility, including change in income, failure to return information, loss of disability, or administrative or other errors;
(5)  the estimated annual costs to reimburse intellectual and developmental disability providers who continued to provide services for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability after the individual experienced a lapse in Medicaid eligibility; and
(6)  legislative recommendations for improving the maintenance of eligibility for the intellectual and developmental disability population, including the potential fiscal impact of implementing those recommendations.
(c)  Not later than December 1, 2020, the Health and Human Services Commission shall prepare a report that includes a summary of the results of the study and any legislative recommendations contained in the study and submit the report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the House Appropriations Committee, and the Senate Finance Committee.