Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of Family and Protective Services (page II-3), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider and renumbering subsequent riders accordingly:
____.  Contingency Rider: Child Welfare Task Force. (a) Contingent on the passage and becoming law of HB 3950 or similar legislation of the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, authorizing the creation of the child welfare task force, the Department of Family and Protective Services shall use $1,500,000 in general revenue from money appropriated above in Strategy B.1.1, CPS Direct Delivery Staff, and in Strategy B.1.2, CPS Program Support, for the purpose of implementing the legislation.
(b)  It is the intent of the legislature that the amount of $1,500,000 may be used by the Department of Family and Protective Services in the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2019, only to implement the creation of the child welfare task force. Any unexpended balance of that amount remaining as of August 31, 2020, is appropriated for the same purpose for the state fiscal year beginning September 1, 2020.
(c)  In accordance with Section 2110.004, Government Code, the members of the child welfare task force may be reimbursed for expenses from funds appropriated above to the Department of Family and Protective Services. To the maximum extent possible, the Department of Family and Protective Services shall encourage the use of videoconferencing and teleconferencing and shall schedule and locate meetings to facilitate the travel of task force members to reduce the need for members to stay overnight to attend a meeting.