Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  In Article I of the bill, in the appropriations to the Office of the Attorney General, reduce appropriations for Strategy A.1.1, Legal Services, dedicated to border prosecutions by $2,600,000 for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2021.
(2)  In Article I of the bill, in the appropriations to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor, reduce the appropriations for Strategy B.1.3, Homeland Security, dedicated to border camera installation and maintenance by $1,500,000 for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2021.
(3)  In Article V of the bill, in the appropriations to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, reduce the appropriations for Strategy A.1.1, Enforcement, dedicated to border security operations by $6,900,000 for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2021.
(4)  In Article V of the bill, in the appropriations to the Department of Public Safety, reduce the appropriations for Strategy B.1.2, Routine Operations, by $4,000,000 for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2021.
(5)  In Article VI of the bill, in the appropriations to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, reduce the appropriations for Strategy C.1.1, Enforcement Programs, by $5,000,000 dedicated to enhance game warden activities in border counties for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2021.
(6)  In Article III of the bill, in the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, increase the appropriations for Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety, by $20,000,000.
(7)  Amend the Texas Education Agency's Rider 74, Texas Safe and Healthy Schools Initiative, by including the following language:
74.  Texas Safe and Healthy Schools Initiative. Appropriations above include a total of $54,478,500 and 6.0 FTEs for the Safe and Healthy Schools Initiative. The commissioner shall allocate these funds for the following purposes:
General Revenue Funds. (a) From Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety, $10,000,000 in fiscal year 2020 for Mental Health First Aid, Telemedicine, trauma-informed care, and coordination of access to mental health providers, including creation and maintenance of regional and local provider lists;
(b)  From Strategy B.3.2, Agency Operations, $750,000 and 6.0 FTEs in each year of the biennium for mental health supports and positive school culture, including promulgating best practices, providing sample tools, resources, and effective models, providing technical support, and managing statewide grants; and
(c)  From Strategy B.3.5, Information Systems Technology, $478,500 in fiscal year 2020 for information technology needs related to mental health supports and positive school culture.
(d)  From Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety, the commissioner shall allocate $20,000,000 for grants for mental health and positive school culture programs, including school-based behavioral health clinics, with the goal of ensuring students on every campus across the state have access to needed behavioral health services though innovative, proven programs.
Economic Stabilization Fund No. 599 in fiscal year 2020:
[(d)] (e) From Strategy B.2.2, Health and Safety, the commissioner shall allocate the following amounts:
(1)  $20,000,000 for grants for mental health and positive school culture programs, including school-based behavioral health clinics, with the goal of ensuring students on every campus across the state have access to needed behavioral health services through innovative, proven programs;
(2)  $5,000,000 to support one FTE at each Education Service Center to provide local support for mental health and positive school culture;
(3)  $5,000,000 for pilot grants for innovative programs to increase school health and safety;
(4)  $10,000,000 for matching grants to school districts and charters for facility hardening activities; and
(5)  $2,500,000 for grants to the Texas School Safety Center to coordinate and conduct Emergency Response audits and to identify school district and charter facility and school safety improvement needs.
Any unexpended balances as of August 31, 2020, are hereby appropriated to fiscal year 2021 for the same purpose.
(8)  Adjust totals, methods of financing, and other provisions of the bill accordingly.