On page I-70 of CSHB 1, amend Rider 9, Statewide Technology Account by:
(1)  Striking the first sentence of the fourth paragraph:
"The Department of Information Resources may not expend funds appropriated to the department that exceed the total in Appropriated Receipts and Interagency Contracts identified above for each fiscal year of the 2020-21 biennium without prior written approval from the Legislative Budget Board."
(2)  Inserting the following sentence prior to the remaining text of the fourth paragraph:
"Included in amounts appropriated above is $6,589,060 in fiscal year 2020 and $5,823,033 in fiscal year 2021 in Appropriated Receipts and Interagency Contracts to the Statewide Technology Account for the purpose of providing operating and indirect administrative costs related to the Statewide Technology Centers, excluding payments to service providers for the Statewide Technology Centers. The department may not expend funds in excess of amounts identified in this rider for operating and indirect administrative costs without prior written approval from the Legislative Budget Board."