Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of Family and Protective Services (page II-1), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider:
____.  Study on Reasonable Caseload Goals to Improve Case Outcomes. (a) Out of funds appropriated above, the Department of Family and Protective Services shall collaborate with the Legislative Budget Board to conduct a study to determine reasonable caseload goals and make recommendations regarding minimum and maximum caseloads for caseworkers in each division of the department.
(b)  In conducting the study described under Subsection (a), the commissioner of the Department of Family and Protective Services shall ensure that:
(1)  the study considers:
(A)  optimal workload time and effort for assigned caseworker duties;
(B)  differences in workload associated with factors including complexity of the cases, caseworker experience and education level, region of the state, and emergency events;
(C)  other relevant findings from workload studies by the department, including from studies as required by applicable pending or resolved litigation; and
(D)  resulting impact on workloads related to the transition to utilization of single source continuum contractors who provide case management services under contract with the department; and
(2)  the recommendations resulting from the study:
(A)  include reasonable caseload goals and minimum and maximum caseload goals for caseworkers in each division of the department, including employees of single source continuum contractors who provide case management services under contract with the department;
(B)  include goal estimates that will provide flexibility to the department for factors affecting workloads;
(C)  are consistent with other provisions of law governing department cases and caseloads, including provisions related to risk assessment; and
(D)  are consistent with terms and requirements in applicable pending or resolved litigation related to department cases and caseloads.
(c)  The Department of Family and Protective Services and the Legislative Budget Board shall use the results and recommendations of the study to determine the funding level for the department that is appropriate to reduce caseloads.