Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) in Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Health and Human Services Commission (page II-94), by adding the following appropriately numbered rider and renumbering subsequent riders accordingly:
____.  Statewide Bed Capacity Review and Reallocation. The Health and Human Services Commission shall use funds appropriated above in Strategy H.1.1, Facility/Community-based Regulation, to review the statewide bed capacity of community ICF-IID facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or a related condition and, based on the review, to develop a process to reallocate beds held in suspension by the commission. The process may include:
(1)  criteria by which ICF-IID providers may apply to receive reallocated beds and remain within appropriated amounts; and
(2)  a means to reallocate the beds across service regions.