Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  On page II-xx of the Health and Human Services Commission bill pattern, add the following rider:
____.  Contingency for HB 4400. Contingent upon enactment of HB 4400 or similar legislation relating to the establishment of a pilot program to create additional housing for certain individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability through a Medicaid waiver program, by the Eighty-Sixth Legislature, Regular Session:
(1)  reduce Strategy G.1.1, State Supported Living Centers, in the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) bill pattern by $4,000,000 in general revenue for fiscal year 2020 and by $4,000,000 in general revenue for fiscal year 2021.
(2)  HHSC is appropriated $4,000,000 in general revenue in fiscal year 2020 and $4,000,000 in general revenue in fiscal year 2021 in Strategy A.3.1, Home and Community-based Services, to implement the provisions of the legislation.