Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing), following the bill pattern appropriations to Fiscal Programs-Comptroller of Public Accounts, by striking Rider 17 relating to the Habitat Protection Fund (page I-26) and substituting the following appropriately numbered rider:
____.  Habitat Protection Fund. Included in amounts appropriated above in Strategy A.1.11, Habitat Protection Fund, is $5,000,000 in general revenue for fiscal year 2020 for transfer to the Habitat Protection Fund outside the state treasury under Section 403.452, Government Code, to be used by the comptroller of public accounts to:
(1)  enter into contracts with state public universities to conduct research studies on species of interest, including candidate, threatened, or endangered species, and provide appropriate peer review and contract administration; and
(2)  support the development or coordination of the development of a habitat conservation plan or a candidate conservation plan and pay the costs associated with implementing or monitoring the implementation of the plan.