Amend CSHB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In the bill pattern for the Texas Education Agency, amend Rider 77, Additional Foundation School Program Funds for HB 3, or Other Legislation Increasing the State Share, Enhancing School District Entitlement, Reducing Recapture, and Providing Tax Relief (pages III-25-26) as follows:
Additional Foundation School Program Funds for HB 3, or Other Legislation Increasing the State Share, Enhancing School District Entitlement, Reducing Recapture, and Providing Tax Relief. It is the intent of the Eighty-Sixth Legislature to adopt comprehensive school finance legislation and provide local property tax relief. In addition to amounts appropriated above in Strategy A.1.1, FSP-Equalized Operations, and Strategy A.1.2, FSP-Equalized Facilities, $4.5 billion in fiscal year 2020 and $4.5 billion in fiscal year 2021 is appropriated out of the Foundation School Fund No. 193 to be used for the purposes specified in this rider.
The amounts appropriated in this rider are contingent on enactment of legislation supporting school districts and charter schools by increasing the state share of the Foundation School Program, enhancing district entitlement, reducing recapture, and providing local property tax relief, while maintaining an equitable system of school finance. Legislative priorities addressed in HB 3 include teacher compensation, increasing the Basic Allotment and providing additional funding for early childhood education, and students needing special education or other specialized services.
[A portion of the amounts] A minimum of $2.8 billion of the amounts appropriated in this rider shall be used to provide local property tax relief. Funds shall be used to enable the compression of local maintenance and operations (M&O) property tax collections, pursuant to the provisions of the legislation, while ensuring school districts do not receive less total state and local funding through the FSP. Should other legislation be enacted dedicating state tax revenue to providing local property tax relief, those amounts are appropriated in addition to the amounts appropriated in this rider for the purpose of providing local property tax relief.
The $9.0 billion in Foundation School Fund No. 193 appropriated in this rider represents new state funding for school districts and charter schools above amounts estimated to fully fund current law.