Amend Amendment No. 1 by Huberty to CSHB 3 (pages 2-11, prefiled amendments packet) as follows:
(1)  On page 3, strike lines 25-30 and substitute the following:
(d)  A school district may use an amount not to exceed 20 percent of the allotment provided for a qualifying student under this section to contract with a private provider to provide supplemental academic services to the student that are recommended under the student's program or plan described by Subsection (b). A student may not be excused from school to receive supplemental academic services provided under this subsection.
(2)  Strike page 7, line 17 through page 9, line 25 and substitute the following appropriately numbered subdivisions and renumber subsequent subdivisions accordingly:
(____) On page 157, line 24, strike "Sections 29.924 and 29.925" and substitute "Section 29.924".
(____) Strike page 160, line 15 through page 165, line 22.