Amend CSHB 3 (house committee printing) by striking page 54, line 20, through page 56, line 9, and substituting the following:
Sec. 48.153. EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS PROGRAM. (a) A school district may submit a request to the commissioner for state funding under this section to assist the district in providing merit salary increases under an educator effectiveness program approved by the agency and implemented by the district.
(b)  An educator effectiveness program must provide merit salary increases to educators based on an evaluation of the effectiveness of the educator under a multi-measure system developed by the district in partnership with stakeholders and the district's educators that includes measures that account for:
(1)  campus leader observations;
(2)  teacher peer review;
(3)  student surveys; and
(4)  student academic growth.
(c)  A school district must award higher merit salary increases under the district's educator effectiveness program to highly effective educators who are assigned to campuses with poor overall or domain performance ratings under Section 39.054.
(d)  To be eligible to receive funding for an educator effectiveness program under this section, a school district may:
(1)  implement a program developed by the agency;
(2)  collaborate with other school districts to develop a program to be approved by the agency; or
(3)  develop a program to be approved by the agency.
(e)  From funds appropriated for that purpose, the commissioner shall provide funding under this section in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner. If funds are not available to provide funding to each school district that submits a request under Subsection (b), the commissioner shall give priority to:
(1)  school districts with the highest proportion of economically disadvantaged students;
(2)  school districts with the highest number of campuses assigned an overall performance rating of F under Section 39.054; and
(3)  school districts that qualify as rural school districts.
(f)  From funds provided to a school district under this section, the district shall use:
(1)  a small percentage of the funds to:
(A)  provide signing bonuses to new classroom teachers who attend educator preparation programs;
(B)  implement a mentoring program in which classroom teachers receiving merit salary increases under the district's educator effectiveness program mentor students and new classroom teachers; and
(C)  pay for costs associated with the development and implementation of the district's educator effectiveness program; and
(2)  a small percentage of the funds, which may not be more than three percent, to provide merit salary increases to outstanding principals as determined under the educator effectiveness program.
(g)  The percentage of classroom teachers in this state receiving a merit salary increase under this section may not exceed:
(1)  for the 2019-2020 school year, 10 percent;
(2)  for the 2020-2021 school year, 20 percent;
(3)  for the 2021-2022 school year, 30 percent;
(4)  for the 2022-2023 school year, 40 percent;
(5)  for the 2023-2024 school year, 50 percent;
(6)  for the 2024-2025 school year, 60 percent;
(7)  for the 2025-2026 school year, 70 percent;
(8)  for the 2026-2027 school year, 80 percent;
(9)  for the 2027-2028 school year, 90 percent; and
(10)  for the 2028-2029 school year and each subsequent school year, 100 percent.
(h)  A school district that receives funding for the district's educator effectiveness program under this section must annually submit to the agency a report providing the number, percentage, and retention rate of educators employed by the district under the educator effectiveness program.