Amend CSHB 3 (house committee report) as follows:
(1)  On page 144, line 9, strike "Section 11.185" and substitute "Sections 11.185 and 11.186".
(2)  On page 145, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following appropriately lettered subsection and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly:
(____)  A school district shall post the annual report described by Subsection (b)(4)(B) on the district's Internet website and on the Internet website, if any, of each campus in the district.
(3)  On page 145, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following:
Sec. 11.186.  COLLEGE, CAREER, AND MILITARY READINESS PLANS. (a) The board of trustees of each school district shall adopt college, career, and military readiness plans that set specific annual goals for the following five school years to reach quantifiable goals for measures of student college, career, and military readiness at each campus.
(b)  Each plan adopted under Subsection (a) must:
(1)  identify annual goals for students in each group evaluated under the closing the gaps domain under Section 39.053(c)(3);
(2)  include annual goals for aggregate student growth on college, career, and military readiness indicators evaluated under the student achievement domain under Section 39.053(c)(1);
(3)  assign at least one district-level administrator or employee of the regional education service center for the district's region to:
(A)  coordinate implementation of the plan; and
(B)  submit an annual report to the board of trustees on the district's progress toward the goals set under the plan; and
(4)  be reviewed annually by the board of trustees at a public meeting.
(c)  A school district shall post the annual report described by Subsection (b)(3)(B) on the district's Internet website and on the Internet website, if any, of each campus in the district.
(4)  On page 147, line 17, strike "and".
(5)  On page 147, line 19, between "Section 11.185" and the period, insert the following:
; and
(U)  the college, career, and military readiness plans under Section 11.186
(6)  On page 168, strike lines 7 through 10 and substitute the following:
(8)  the progress of the district and each campus in the district toward meeting the goals set in the district's:
(A)  early childhood literacy and mathematics proficiency plans adopted under Section 11.185; and
(B)  college, career, and military readiness plans adopted under Section 11.186.