Amend CSHB 3 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1.027 of the bill, in added Section 48.113, Education Code (page 24, starting on line 36) insert the following:
Sec. 48.113.  ACCELERATED CAMPUS EXCELLENCE ALLOTMENT. (a) A school district is entitled to an allotment equal to the basic allotment multiplied by 0.1 for each student in average daily attendance at a district campus that:
(1)  has submitted and received approval for:
(A)  a campus turnaround plan that the commissioner determines meets the requirements for an accelerated campus excellence turnaround plan under Section 39A.105(b); or
(B)  a campus implementation plan that includes the provisions required for an accelerated campus excellence turnaround plan under Section 39A.105(b); and
(2)  received a performance rating of unacceptable or improvement required in at least one of the last five school years, provided, that if a campus has received a performance rating of unacceptable or improvement required for 4 out of the last 6 years, that campus shall instead be entitled to the allotment in subsection (b).
(b)  A school district is entitled to an allotment equal to the basic allotment multiplied by 0.15 for each student in average daily attendance at a district campus that:
(1)   has submitted and received approval for:
(A)  a campus turnaround plan that the commissioner determines meets the requirements for an accelerated campus excellence turnaround plan under Section 39A.105(b); or
(B)  a campus implementation plan that includes the provisions required for an accelerated campus excellence turnaround plan under Section 39A.105(b); and
(2)  received a performance rating of unacceptable or improvement required in at least 4 of the last 6 school years.
(bc) A school district may not receive an allotment under this section for more than five school years.