Amend to CSHB 3 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1)  In the recital to SECTION 1.027 of the bill (page 21, line 9), strike "and 48.113" and substitute "48.113, and 48.114".
(2)  In SECTION 1.027 of the bill (page 24, between lines 38 and 39), insert the following:
Sec. 48.114.  MENTOR PROGRAM ALLOTMENT. (a) A school district that has implemented a mentoring program for classroom teachers who have less than two years of teaching experience under Section 21.458 is entitled to an allotment as determined under Subsection (b) to fund the mentoring program and to provide stipends for mentor teachers.
(b)  The commissioner shall adopt a formula to determine the amount to which each district described by Subsection (a) is entitled.
(c)  Funding provided to districts under this section may be used only for providing:
(1)  mentor teacher stipends;
(2)  scheduled release time for mentor teachers and the classroom teachers to whom they are assigned for meeting and engaging in mentoring activities; and
(3)  mentoring support through providers of mentor training.
(3)  Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to ARTICLE 2 of the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of that article accordingly:
SECTION (__). Section 21.458, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-1), (b-1), (f), (f-1), and (g) and amending Subsections (b) and (d) to read as follows:
(a-1)  To be assigned as a mentor, a teacher must agree to serve as a mentor teacher for at least one school year. The assignment must begin not later than the 30th day of employment of the classroom teacher to whom the mentor teacher is assigned. A district must agree to assign a mentor to a new classroom teacher for at least two school years.
(b)  The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to administer this section, including rules concerning the duties and qualifications of a teacher who serves as a mentor and the number of classroom teachers that may be assigned to a mentor. The rules concerning qualifications must require that to serve as a mentor a teacher must:
(1)  complete a research-based mentor and induction training program approved by the commissioner;
(2)  complete a mentor training program provided by the district; [and]
(3)  have at least three complete years of teaching experience with a superior record of assisting students, as a whole, in achieving improvement in student performance; and
(4)  demonstrate interpersonal skills, instructional effectiveness, and leadership skills.
(b-1)  A school district must provide training to mentor teachers and any appropriate district and campus employees who work with the classroom teacher or supervise the classroom teacher. The training must be completed by the mentor teacher and the district and campus employees before the beginning of the school year. The district shall also provide supplemental training to mentor teachers and employees during the school year. The training must include content related to best mentorship practices.
(d)  In adopting rules under this section [Subsection (c)], the commissioner shall rely on research-based mentoring programs that, through external evaluation, have demonstrated success.
(f)  A mentor teacher must meet with each classroom teacher assigned to the mentor not less than 12 hours each semester. Observations of the mentor by the classroom teacher being mentored or of the classroom teacher being mentored by the mentor may count toward the 12 hours of meeting time required for the semester. Except as provided by Subsection (f-1), the mentoring sessions must address the following topics:
(1)  orientation to the context, policies, and practices of the school district;
(2)  data-driven instructional practices;
(3)  specific instructional coaching cycles, including coaching regarding conferences between parents and the classroom teacher;
(4)  professional development; and
(5)  professional expectations.
(f-1)  Subject to approval by the agency, in determining the topics to be addressed in the mentoring sessions, a school district may create an appropriate curriculum that meets the district needs.
(g)  A school district must:
(1) designate a specific time during the regularly contracted school day for meetings between mentor teachers and classroom teachers assigned to a mentor; and
(2)  schedule release time or a reduce teaching load for mentor teachers and classroom teachers under this section to facilitate mentoring activities, including classroom observations or participation in supportive coaching.
(4)  In ARTICLE 5 of the bill, SECTION 5.001(a) of that article repealing provisions of the Education Code, insert the following appropriately numbered subdivision and renumber the subdivisions of the subsection accordingly:
(__) Section 21.458(c);