Amend CSHB 3 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Strike the recital to SECTION 1.036 of the bill (page 30, lines 28-32) and substitute the following:
SECTION 1.036.  Sections 42.251, 42.2511, 42.2514, and 42.2515, Education Code, are transferred to Subchapter F, Chapter 48, Education Code, as added by this Act, redesignated as Sections 48.251, 48.252, 48.253, and 48.254, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
(2)  In SECTION 1.036 of the bill, strike transferred, redesignated, and amended Section 48.255, Education Code (page 31, lines 32-54).
(3)  In the recital to SECTION 1.037 of the bill (page 31, line 55), strike "Effective September 1, 2020,".
(4)  In SECTION 1.037 of the bill, in transferred, redesignated, and amended Section 48.255(b)(1), Education Code (page 31, line 67), strike "100" and substitute "92".
(5)  Strike SECTION 6.001 of the bill (page 115, lines 64-68) and substitute the following:
SECTION 6.001.  Articles 1, 2, and 3 of this Act apply beginning with the 2020-2021 school year.
(6)  Strike SECTION 7.001 of the bill (page 116, lines 40-47) and substitute the following:
SECTION 7.001.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act, Section 1.037 and Article 4 of this Act take effect September 1, 2019.
(7)  Strike SECTION 7.002 of the bill (page 116, lines 48-50) and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of that article accordingly.
(8)  In SECTION 7.003 of the bill, strike Subsection (a) (page 116, lines 51-57) and substitute the following:
(a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section or as otherwise provided by this Act:
(1)  Articles 1, 2, and 3 and Sections 4.006, 4.018, and 4.019 of this Act take effect on the date on which the constitutional amendment proposed by _.J.R. __, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, takes effect; and
(2)  if that amendment is not approved by the voters, those provisions have no effect.