Amend CSHB 3 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  Strike SECTION 1.002 of the bill, adding Section 13.054(f-1), Education Code (page 2, lines 18-27).
(2)  Strike SECTION 1.004 of the bill, amending Section 30.003, Education Code (page 2, lines 39-57).
(3)  In SECTION 1.007 of the bill, strike page 5, lines 17-19, and substitute:
SECTION 1.007.  Section 45.003, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsections (b-1), (d-1), (d-2), and (d-3) to read as follows:
(4)  In SECTION 1.007 of the bill, strike amended Section 45.003(d), Education Code (page 5, lines 22-31).
(5)  In SECTION 1.007 of the bill, in added Section 45.003(d-1), Education Code (page 5, line 36), strike "and 48.255" and substitute "48.255, and 48.2551".
(6)  In SECTION 1.008 of the bill, in added Section 45.0032(a), Education Code, strike page 5, lines 66-68 and substitute "and operations that does not exceed the district's maximum compressed rate, as determined under Section 48.2551."
(7)  In the recital to SECTION 1.019 of the bill (page 12, lines 55-56), strike "Sections 42.101 and 42.105, Education Code, are" and substitute "Section 42.105, Education Code, is".
(8)  In the recital to SECTION 1.019 of the bill (page 12, line 57), strike "Sections 48.051 and 48.052" and substitute "Section 48.052".
(9)  In SECTION 1.019 of the bill, strike transferred and redesignated Section 48.051, Education Code (page 12, line 59, through page 13, line 37).
(10)  In the recital to SECTION 1.034 of the bill (page 28, line 19), strike "42.302,".
(11)  In the recital to SECTION 1.034 of the bill (page 28, line 22), strike "48.202,".
(12)  In SECTION 1.034 of the bill, strike transferred and redesignated Section 48.202, Education Code (page 28, line 30, through page 30, line 10).
(13)  In the recital to SECTION 1.036 of the bill (page 30, lines 28-29), strike "42.2515, and 42.2516" and substitute "and 42.2515".
(14)  In the recital to SECTION 1.036 of the bill (page 30, line 31), strike "48.254, and 48.255" and substitute "and 48.254".
(15)  In SECTION 1.036 of the bill, strike transferred and redesignated Section 48.255, Education Code (page 31, lines 32-54).
(16)  Strike SECTION 1.037 of the bill, transferring and redesignating Section 48.255, Education Code (page 31, line 55, through page 32, line 12).
(17)  In SECTION 1.059 of the bill, in amended Section 26.08(n)(1)(A), Tax Code, strike page 61, lines 67-69 and substitute "is equal to the district's maximum compressed tax rate, as determined under Section 48.2551, Education Code, for the 2019 tax year;".
(18)  In SECTION 1.059 of the bill, in amended Section 26.08(n)(2)(A), Tax Code, strike page 62, lines 15-17 and substitute the following:
that is equal to the district's maximum compressed tax rate [product of the state compression percentage], as determined under Section 48.2551 [42.2516], Education Code, for the current year [and $1.50];
(19)  Renumber SECTIONS of Article 1 as appropriate.
(20)  In the recital to SECTION 4.001 of the bill (page 104, line 1), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(21)  In the recital to SECTION 4.002 of the bill (page 104, line 19), strike " Effective September 1, 2021,".
(22)  Strike SECTION 4.003 of the bill, adding Sections 45.003(d-1), (d-2), (d-3), and (d-4), Education Code (page 104, lines 39-58).
(23)  In the recital to SECTION 4.004 of the bill (page 104, line 59), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(24)  Strike SECTION 4.005 of the bill, adding Section 45.0032(a), Education Code (page 105, lines 13-21).
(25)  Strike SECTION 4.006, amending Section 46.071, Education Code (page 105, lines 22-66).
(26)  In the recital to SECTION 4.007 of the bill (page 105, line 67), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(27)  In the recital to SECTION 4.008 of the bill (page 106, line 51), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(28)  Strike SECTION 4.009 of the bill, transferring and redesignating Section 48.255, Education Code (page 108, lines 37-63).
(29)  In the recital to SECTION 4.010 of the bill (page 108, line 64), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(30)  In SECTION 4.010 of the bill, in transferred and redesignated Section 48.255(b)(1), Education Code (page 109, line 6), strike "85" and substitute "90".
(31)  In the recital to SECTION 4.011 of the bill (page 109, line 21), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(32)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(a)(3)(D), Education Code (page 109, line 45), strike "1.1" and substitute "1.055".
(33)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(a)(4)(D), Education Code (page 109, line 58), strike "10" and substitute "5.5".
(34)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(a), Education Code (page 109, line 66), strike "and".
(35)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(a), Education Code (page 109, line 68), between "year" and the underlined period, insert the following:
(8)  "PYSCP" is the state compression percentage, as determined under Section 48.255, for the preceding tax year; and
(9)  "SCP" is the state compression percentage, as determined under Section 48.255, for the current tax year
(36)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(b)(1)(A), Education Code, strike page 110, line 6, and substitute the following:
(37)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(b)(1)(B), Education Code, strike page 110, line 8, and substitute the following:
(38)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(c-1), Education Code (page 110, line 16), strike "2021-2022" and substitute "2019-2020".
(39)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(c-1), Education Code (page 110, line 18), strike "2022" and substitute "2020".
(40)  In SECTION 4.011 of the bill, in added Section 48.2551(c-1), Education Code (page 110, line 17), between "$1.00" and the underlined period, insert "and the value of "PYSCP" is 100 percent".
(41)  In the recital to SECTION 4.012 of the bill (page 110, line 36), strike "Effective September 1, 2021,".
(42)  Strike SECTION 4.013 of the bill, adding Sections 49.004(a-1), (b-1), and (c-1), Education Code (page 110, line 44 through page 111, line 2).
(43)  Strike SECTIONS 4.014 and 4.015 of the bill, adding Sections 49.0041 and 49.0121, Education Code (page 111, lines 3-38).
(44)  Strike SECTIONS 4.016 and 4.017 of the bill, adding Sections 49.154(a-1) and 49.308(a-1), Education Code (page 111, lines 39-55).
(45)  Strike SECTIONS 4.018, 4.019, 4.020, 4.021, and 4.022 of the bill, amending Sections 11.13, 11.26, 25.23, 26.04, and 26.08, Tax Code (page 111, line 56 through page 112, line 63).
(46)  Strike SECTION 4.023 of the bill, amending Section 26.08(n), Tax Code (page 112, line 64 through page 113, line 35).
(47)  Strike SECTIONS 4.024, 4.025, 4.026, and 4.027 of the bill, adding Sections 26.09(c-1), 26.15(h), 31.01(d-2), (d-3), (d-4), and (d-5), and 31.02(a-1), Tax Code (page 113, line 36 through page 114, line 69).
(48)  Strike SECTION 4.028 of the bill (page 115, lines 1-11).
(49)  Renumber SECTIONS of Article 4 accordingly.
(50)  Strike SECTIONS 7.002 and 7.003 of the bill (page 116, lines 48-67) and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of that article accordingly.