Amend CSHB 3 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 1.001 of the bill, in amended Section 12.106(a), Education Code (page 1, line 34), strike "48.109,".
(2)  In SECTION 1.001 of the bill, in added Section 12.106(a-3), Education Code (page 2, line 8), strike "48.109, 48.110, and 48.112" and substitute "48.110 and 48.112".
(3)  In the recital to SECTION 1.027 of the bill, adding sections to Subchapter C, Chapter 48, Education Code (page 21, line 8), strike "48.109,".
(4)  In SECTION 1.027 of the bill, strike added Section 48.109, Education Code (page 21, line 10, through page 22, line 43).
(5)  In SECTION 1.041 of the bill, in added Section 48.277(b)(2), Education Code, strike Paragraph (D) (page 42, lines 56 and 57) and reletter subsequent paragraphs accordingly.
(6)  In SECTION 2.001 of the bill, in added Section 4.003(1), Education Code (page 62, lines 51 and 52), strike "a third grade reading assessment instrument described by Section 48.109(b)" and substitute "the third grade reading assessment instrument administered under Section 39.023".