Amend CSHB 274 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 6, line 8, between "disaster" and the underlined semicolon, insert "in a manner that protects against future loss".
(2) Strike page 6, lines 9 and 10, and substitute the following:
(2) construct new infrastructure to mitigate against damage from a future disaster.
(3) On page 7, line 13, between "effect" and the underlined period, insert "or for a longer period determined by the board if the application for financial assistance is for a public infrastructure project described by Subsection (a)(1)".
(4) On page 8, strike lines 21-24 and substitute the following:
grant to a political subdivision that, based on information available to the board, has experienced repeated damage from disasters.
(5) On page 9, line 6, between "grant" and the underlined semicolon, insert ", including information on the design life of the project".
(6) On page 9, line 11, strike "and".
(7) On page 9, line 13, strike the underlined period and substitute the following:
(6) information on the percentage of properties located within the political subdivision's jurisdiction that are covered by flood insurance, if the application is from a political subdivision; and
(7) information regarding the protections from future disasters that have been incorporated into the siting or design of the project.
(8) On page 9, strike lines 26 and 27 and substitute the following:
threat to public health;
(5) criteria that indicates the project incorporates natural features, nature-based engineering approaches, or characteristics that:
(A) make positive impacts on the environment;
(B) preserve or make efficient use of energy and associated resources; or
(C) reduce negative impacts on the natural environment;
(6) the percentage of properties located within the political subdivision's jurisdiction that are covered by flood insurance, if the applicant is a political subdivision;
(7) the applicant's past history of and future risk for repeated damage from disasters, if the applicant is a political subdivision; and
(8) other criteria developed by the board.