Amend HB 359 (house committee printing) on page 2 as follows:
(1) Strike lines 4-6 and substitute the following:
Sec. 614.202. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter does not apply to an employer that is:
(1) a municipality that has adopted Chapter 143, Local Government Code; or
(2) a county in which a civil service system has been created under Chapter 158, Local Government Code.
(2) Strike lines 17-19 and substitute the following:
improvement unless the report of the person's treating doctor under Title 5, Labor Code, including Section 504.053 of that code, indicates that the person is permanently restricted from returning to perform the duties for which the person was elected, appointed, or employed.
(c) A dispute regarding the ability of a peace officer, detention officer, county jailer, or firefighter described by Subsection (a) to perform the duties for which the person was elected, appointed, or employed shall be adjudicated in the manner provided by Chapter 410, Labor Code.