Amend CSHB 650 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) Strike page 3, line 17, through page 4, line 1, and substitute the following:
(a) The department may not place [use] restraints around the ankles, legs, or waist [to control the movement] of a pregnant woman in the custody of the department at any time after the woman's pregnancy has been confirmed by a medical professional [during which the woman is in labor or delivery or recovering from delivery], unless the director, the [or] director's designee, or a medical professional determines that the use of restraints is necessary based on a reasonable belief that the [to:
[(1) ensure the safety and security of the] woman will harm herself, [or] her infant, or any other person [department or medical personnel, or any member of the public;] or
[(2) prevent a substantial risk that the woman] will attempt escape.
(2) On page 5, line 8, strike "a plastic".