Amend HB 933 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 4.003(b), Election Code (page 1, line 30), between "website" and the underlined period, insert ", if the county maintains a website".
(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Section 4.003(b), Election Code (page 1, line 33), between the period and "For", insert the following:
If a county does not maintain a website, the authority responsible for giving notice of the election shall post a copy of a notice of the election on the bulletin board used for posting notices of the meetings of the governing body of the political subdivision that the authority serves.
(3) In SECTION 2 of the bill, in amended Section 4.008(a), Election Code (page 1, line 50), between "website" and "as", insert ", if the county maintains a website,".
(4) Strike SECTION 3 of the bill, amending Section 31.012(a), Election Code (page 1, line 52, through page 2, line 1).
(5) In SECTION 5 of the bill, following added Section 31.125, Election Code (page 2, between lines 55 and 56), insert the following:
(c) This section applies only to a county that maintains an Internet website.
(6) In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 32.114(c), Election Code (page 2, line 60), between "website" and "and", insert ", if the county maintains an Internet website,".
(7) In SECTION 6 of the bill, in amended Section 32.114(c), Election Code (page 2, between lines 63 and 64), insert the following:
(1-a) post notice of the time and place of each session on the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the commissioners court, if the county does not maintain an Internet website, and shall include on the notice a statement that the program is open to the public;
(8) In SECTION 7 of the bill, in amended Section 42.035(a), Election Code (page 3, line 10), between "website" and "for", insert ", if the county maintains an Internet website,".
(9) Strike SECTION 8 of the bill, amending Section 43.061(c), Election Code (page 3, lines 12 through 23).
(10) In SECTION 9 of the bill, in amended Section 66.059(b), Election Code (page 3, line 28), between "county" and the underlined comma, insert "or is a county that does not maintain an Internet website."
(11) In SECTION 9 of the bill, in added Section 66.059(b-1), Election Code (page 3, line 35), between "county" and the underlined comma, insert "that maintains an Internet website".
(12) In SECTION 11 of the bill, in amended Section 85.007(c), Election Code (page 3, lines 52 through 55), strike Subdivision (1) and substitute the following:
(1) the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the commissioners court if the early voting clerk is the county clerk of a county that does not maintain an Internet website, or of the city governing body if the early voting clerk is the city secretary; or
(13) In SECTION 11 of the bill, in amended Section 85.007(c)(2), Election Code (page 3, line 57), between "clerk" and the underlined period, insert "of a county that maintains an Internet website".
(14) In SECTION 12 of the bill, in amended Section 85.067, Election Code (page 3, lines 60 through 67), strike Subsection (d) and substitute the following:
(d) The schedule shall be posted on:
(1) the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the governing body of the political subdivision served by the authority ordering the election or, if the early voting clerk is the county clerk of a county that does not maintain an Internet website or city secretary, meetings of the commissioners court or city governing body, as applicable; or
(2) the county's Internet website if the early voting clerk is the county clerk of a county that maintains an Internet website.
(15) In SECTION 13 of the bill, in amended Section 87.027, Election Code (page 4, lines 2 through 8), strike Subsection (k) and substitute the following:
(k) Postings required by this section shall be made on the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the commissioners court of a county that does not maintain an Internet website, in an election for which the county election board is established or a primary election, or of the governing body of the political subdivision in other elections.
(16) In SECTION 13 of the bill, in added Section 87.027(k-1), Election Code (page 4, line 9), strike "Postings" and substitute "If the county maintains an Internet website, postings".
(17) In SECTION 14 of the bill, in amended Section 129.023(b), Election Code (page 4, line 17), between "website" and "at", insert ", if the county maintains an Internet website, or on the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the commissioners court if the county does not maintain an Internet website,".
(18) Strike SECTION 15 of the bill, amending Section 172.113(d), Election Code (page 4, lines 19 through 24).
(19) Strike SECTION 19(c) of the bill (page 4, lines 58 through 61).
(20) Renumber SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.