Amend CSHB 1619 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 2, strike lines 11 through 17 and substitute the following:
Sec. 52.011.  PROVISION OF SIGNED CERTIFICATION. On request of a court reporter who reported a deposition, a court reporting firm shall provide the reporter with a copy of the document related to the deposition, known as the further certification, that the reporter has signed or to which the reporter's signature has been applied.
(2)  On page 12, line 8, strike "154.115(b)" and substitute "154.115".
(3)  On page 12, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following:
Sec. 154.115.  PROHIBITED CONTRACTS. (a) A court reporter or shorthand reporting firm may not enter into or provide services under any contractual agreement, written or oral, exclusive or nonexclusive, that:
(1)  undermines the impartiality of the court reporter;
(2)  requires a court reporter to relinquish control of an original deposition transcript and copies of the transcript before it is certified and delivered to the custodial attorney;
(3)  requires a court reporter to provide any service not made available to all parties to an action; [or]
(4)  gives or appears to give an exclusive advantage to any party; or
(5)  restricts an attorney's choice in the selection of a court reporter or shorthand reporting firm.