Amend HB 1739 (house committee printing) by striking page 1, line 8, through page 2, line 17, and substituting the following:
Sec. 1952.1061. NOTICE OF CLAIM FOR UNFAIR SETTLEMENT PRACTICE. For the purpose of Section 541.060, an insured may provide notice of a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage by providing a written notification to the insurer that reasonably informs the insurer of the facts of the claim.
Sec. 1952.1062. LEGAL DETERMINATION NOT PREREQUISITE TO RECOVERY FOR UNFAIR SETTLEMENT PRACTICE. A judgment or other legal determination establishing the other motorist's liability or the extent of the insured's damages is not a prerequisite to recovery in an action under Section 541.151 for a violation of Section 541.060.
Sec. 1952.1063. LIMITATION ON EXTRA-CONTRACTUAL CAUSES OF ACTION. In regard to a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, the only extra-contractual cause of action available to an insured is provided by Section 541.151 to recover damages under Section 541.152 for a violation of Section 541.060.